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How To Beat Menopausal Symptoms

How to beat menopausal symptoms

Many women will be happy when they reach menopause as soon as they are done with the monthly pre-menopause symptoms. However, they will soon be wishing they were still in their youth. Menopause comes accompanied with severe health issues. However, some women will not experience the severe symptoms and will go through the menopause with a lot of ease.

Unfortunately, the majority are the ones that find the menopause hard to bear. The hot flashes are severe, and it causes significant health risks. The average age of menopause in women in the United States is 51 years. There are however some ways that you can take to help reduce or control these menopausal  symptoms. Some of these steps are conventional, but others are natural. Despite any of the direction you choose to follow so as to ease the effect of the menopause condition, you can take on these simple tips to lessen the impact of menopause symptoms.

Take note of food intake 
Keep a diary of the foods you take
Some foods are known to increase the menopause symptoms. Alcohol, caffeine, hot drinks and spicy foods are the main causes of hot flashes in women at menopause. To know about what foods affect your health in menopause, take the time to note down the foods that you take and how you react after taking these foods. This way, you will, tell what foods affect you and increase the chances of your menopause symptoms getting wild. Do not follow what other people say blindly. The body will function differently, and not all women will be affected by the same kinds of foods. Alcohol may cause hot flashes in some women and help get others calm. Keep your diary and after a week or two, you will have a record of all the foods that make your menopause symptoms volatile.

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Lose weight
Research has shown that overweight ladies will be affected by menopause symptoms more as related to women who have the right weight. According to a university in the United States, women with a body mass index of over 25 are more affected by the hot flashes  which are a common sign of menopause. However, not all women who have this body mass index are affected, and some survive through their menopause without any much hustle. But a large number of women with such an index that are affected by hot flushes is alarming. Experts advise ladies to keep a proper body mass so as to avoid subtle menopause symptoms.

Eating a healthy diet
This is different from avoiding foods that increase the chances of getting hot flushes. A balanced diet will help women with menopause avoid diseases after menopause. A healthy diet will reduce the risk of adding weight, which is a major problem with most women during menopause. During pre-menopause, ladies should take foods that are low in calories to avoid storage of fats and to add on weight. We have said that overweight women are at a higher risk of suffering from hot flushes attacks during menopause. A healthy diet will also help avoid many diseases that affect women in the menopausal stage. Some of these diseases include heart diseases, cancers, and osteoporosis. A healthy diet during menopause should include foods that are low in fat content, fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, calcium, lean meat and oily fish. A healthy body will help a woman go through the menopause stage with a few conditions as compared to when having an unhealthy body.

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Hormone Replacement Therapy
Results of a study by Oxford University showed that HRT in women above the age of 50 increases the risk of ovarian cancer. The research further showed that HTR further increases the risk of ovarian cancer by 40%. Women that stopped taking HTR showed reduced risks of contracting ovarian cancer. However, it is vital for women in menopause to consult their physician before they start or stop hormone replacement therapy. Take into consideration the particular risks that the therapy exposes you to in general. Compare these risks with staying without an RHT and find which gives you better health. For some ladies, the physician will advise on lower amounts HTR. Again, your health history is important. A woman from a family that has had a history of breast and ovarian cancer will show different risks as compared to other women that do not have such histories.

Exercise Regularly
Exercising has a whole lot of health benefits. Women in menopause are advised to fit in exercising sessions in their daily schedules. This will help to reduce the effects of menopause symptoms. A study has shown that women in the menopausal age that are actively involved throughout the day have reduced effects. Exercising will help women in the menopausal age sleep better and have reduced flushes. It also helps to control emotions and reduces anxiety levels and help in  treatments of menopause.

Maintaining a proper and healthy diet is the best way to control the hot flushes and other symptoms of menopause. Women are advised to couple this with regular exercising.

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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