The appendix is a narrow tubular finger-like organ attached to the large intestine on the lower right side of the abdomen.
When the appendix is blocked, it often becomes inflamed, and this can result in severe pain and can sometimes be fatal. The condition in which the appendix is blocked and becomes inflamed is called appendicitis. Appendicitis is a medical emergency condition that often requires immediate attention and, most times, surgery to remove the inflamed organ.
There is really no singular cause for blocked appendix or appendicitis. Sometimes, the blocked appendix can be caused by the presence of intestinal bacteria or worms, fecal deposits, minerals, and so on.
Since many things can cause appendicitis, it is often thought to be impossible to prevent appendicitis since it can happen suddenly. However, certain foods and lifestyles have shown promising results, and incorporating them into your diets and making certain adjustments to your lifestyle can help reduce your chances of developing appendicitis.
How to have a healthy appendix

How To Have A Healthy Appendix
If you have wondering how to have a healthy appendix, then the following tips will help you out.
Eat a lot of fiber
while eating a lot of fiber will not prevent you from developing appendicitis, it has been shown that people who eat a lot of fiber are less likely to develop appendicitis as they will have a healthier appendix than those who do not consume fibers on a daily basis.
Fiber in your diet helps with smooth bowel movement, which in turn will ensure your foods are properly digested before moving to the large intestine. This way, it is less likely to clog your appendix when it moves towards the opening of the alimentary canal.
Some important sources of fiber include salads, oatmeal, rice, whole wheat, and whole grains. You might want to consider incorporating these into your diets at least five times a week to help with bowel movements.
Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are good for maintaining a healthy body as well as a healthy appendix. Fruits provide all the essential vitamins your body will need to function maximally, and certain vitamins can help your body recover quicker when injured.
As such, adding fruits to your meal regularly is always a good idea. Fruits and vegetables are also important sources of fibers. Most fruits, especially citruses, are rich in fiber, which can help with bowel movement and ensure your appendix remains healthy and clean.
Drink a lot of water
Water is the liquid of life. All biological processes require the presence of water as the solvent to take place. As such, water is very important to the body.
When it comes to maintaining a healthy appendix, water is crucial. It helps flush the alimentary canal and serve as the solvent for softening hard fecal deposits in the large intestine for faster movements.
Deworm regularly
Deworming is a process of killing off parasitic worms from the alimentary canal. Certain worms such as tapeworms can easily get into the digestive system, reproduce and even obstruct the system. A stud
Deworming regularly helps to prevent the blockage of the appendix by these parasites.
Exercise regularly
Exercising your body is an all beneficial activity for the body. Aside from helping you to get in shape or lose weight, exercising regularly can help strengthen the walls of your intestine and appendix. Gentle abdominal exercises can help keep your appendix healthy.
Keeping a healthy appendix is one of the best ways to prevent appendicitis. The above are some of the best ways to ensure your appendix is clean and healthy at all times.