Mental & Emotional Health

5 Crucial Mental Health Tips for Lawyers

Mental Health Tips for Lawyers
Written by Collins Nwokolo

A lot of studies have shown that lawyers suffer from mental health-related issues more than their professional counterparts. One of the major studies was carried out in 2016, where 13,000 lawyers were surveyed on their mental health and substance use.

After the study, 28% of the respondents had symptoms of depression, 19% has symptoms of anxiety disorder and 20% had problematic drinking habits which nearly doubles the rate found in other professions,

Another study was carried out in 2020 at Yale Law School, and the study showed that lawyers have slightly higher chances of suffering from mental illness than their other professional counterparts.

This is is to tell you that as a lawyer, you need to give your mental health a priority.

Below are some of the effective mental health tips for lawyers.

5 Mental Health Tips for Lawyers

Being a lawyer can be challenging and mentally-exhausting. Like many other occupations, this noble profession has it’s health hazards, some of which can be detrimental to the mental health. Here are some helpful mental health tips for lawyers.

1. Seek opportunities that corresponds with your value

Most people go into law due to its lucrative nature, but for the sake of your mental health, go for opportunities that resonate with your mental health.

A recent study in the journal Behavioral Sciences tool a glimpse into the well-being of lawyers to the ways they are valued by their firm. The result proved that lawyers who are valued for their expertise and professionalism have better mental health than those who are just valued for their financial worth.

2. Start each day mentally fit and active

One of the most effective ways to start your day mentally fit and active is by jogging in the morning, working out, playing some aerobic games, or going for meditation.

There are different gym centers, sports centers, and mediation centers where you can go and unwind yourself in the morning before heading to work. This gives you a sense of relaxation and broadens your mind for the day’s tasks.

3. Invest in relationship and support systems

Most legal professionals limit their relationships around their legal circles. As a lawyer, it is important you make and invest in quality relationships outside your legal circle. Spend quality time with them. Let them love you for who you are not, not just because you are a lawyer, and so sort of advantage to them.

These are the individuals that will be there to comfort you even after losing a case.

4. Explore other healthy stress coping methods

Most lawyers go into heavy alcohol drinking and substance use to cope with stress. These end up destroying you more instead of helping you out.

The legal profession can be stressful, no doubt about that. So it is important you look for healthy stress coping options. You can explore swimming, going to the beach, playing sports, dancing, watching movies, visiting the zoo, playing your favorite musical instruments, or getting active in the church.

Also, you can explore technological options. There are different relaxation apps now available on the internet. One of the most effective stress relief apps is “Calm

Alcohol and substance use does harm and no good to you.

5. Consult a therapist

As a legal practitioner, when you begin to feel stressed and all burned out, please, pause, go on vacation, and book an appointment with a therapist.

Law can be very demanding and the feeling of not always meeting up with the tasks and expected results may push one to self-pain and anger which can be very destructive. As a lawyer, you should be able to know where to pause and consult a harpist for help.


As a lawyer, you must take your mental health as a priority as you cannot effectively disseminate your functions accurately if you are not mentally fit. The above mental health tips for lawyers can help them maintain a good mental and emotional wellbeing.

Effective mental health is a great tool to be an outstanding lawyer because most of the legal work involves high-level mental work. 



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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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