Healthy Living & Wellness

5 Health Benefits Of Leaving Social Media For A While

health benefits of leaving social media
Written by Collins Nwokolo

In the world we live in today, most of our day-to-day activities are pretty related to the internet. We all know the present world thrives on the web and digital technology. Consequently, this makes our personal lives revolve around the internet space. The introduction of the digital era came along with the springing up of numerous social media networks. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on are common social networks we use to interact with other users.

Most often, some of us do get addicted to online buzzes, which has colossal health implications.

It’s crucial as an individual to set and respect limits for yourself when it boils down to social media usage. There are certain times you might need to take a break. 

Quitting social media isn’t a passing fad or a way to appear ultra-cultured. There are some compelling reasons to abandon your social media networks, according to research.

What are the health benefits of leaving social media for a while? Very quickly, let’s check out few advantages of taking a break from the online world.

health benefits of leaving social media

1. It Improves Your Mental Health

According to recent studies, the more time you spend on social media sites, the more you are likely to be depressed. Why? Some people get intimidated easily because they compare their personal lives to what they see on the web. And most of that stuff isn’t true. 

Furthermore, the amount of time you spend on these pages is proportional to how stressed or happy you are.

In other words, whether you’ve been feeling nervous, overwhelmed, or depressed, a break from social media is in order. While it can seem strange at first, staying away from Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites should boost your overall mood. Subsequently, a boost in your overall mood improves your mental energy and health. You can learn about how to protect your mental health on social media.

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2. Reduced Stress

The average daily life is full of activities that subject us to physical and mental stress. Resuming at work, attending business meetings, boarding a bus to your place; all these activities are stress-filled. 

To make matters worse, the little luxury of time available to rest is used to catch up with gists on social media.

Learning to retreat from online activities gives you enough time to rest, which, in turn, leads to a reduction in your body’s stress levels. Lesser stress equals a healthier body and mind. Hence, leaving social media for a while is an effective way to reduce stress.

3. Relaxes Your Brain

We consume a lot of mental energy to carry out our daily routines, which subjects our brains to a great deal of stress. An untamed use of social media adds more pressure to the brain.

Whenever you take a chill pill from the internet buzz, you give your brain more time to relax.

4. Lesser Strain on Eyes

A research study reveals that a significant percentage of social media users are more active during their free time, which are often during the late hours of the day.

This results in increased strain on the eye due to the brightness of our phones and light intensity penetrating our retina. Excessive social media use at night can also cause poor sleep.

Resisting the urge to use your phone during dark hours helps to maintain the wellbeing of your eyes. As a result, this is also one of the health benefits of leaving social media temporarily.

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5. More time for yourself

They say “health is wealth,”… And they also say, “time is wealth.” The two quotes show there’s a direct correlation between health, wealth, and time.

A break from social media gives you enough time to preserve your health and enough time to make more wealth. When you have enough time for yourself, it can also motivate you to take care for yourself. You can pursue upbuilding goals, and learn new habits from the time you will create for yourself.

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Final Thoughts

Social media is a great place to build your networks, interact with distant friends, and engage in several other activities. However, there is a limit to everything on earth, and your use of social media is part of it. These health benefits of leaving social media should spur you to take a break from social media or immensely cut back the time you spend using social media networking sites.

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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