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6 Medical Checkups You Must Do Annually

Medical Checkups You Must Do Annually
Written by Guest Author

You no longer have to wait until you have a life-threatening condition to visit the doctor. Nowadays, you can go for preventive health care to ensure that you are in good medical condition. Besides, you are encouraged to have regular check-ups to minimize your risk of any health conditions. For this reason, doctors can detect potential health problems at an early stage and find an effective treatment plan. As a result, you will increase your chances of cure and alleviate any complications that would otherwise manifest in the future. You are, therefore, guided on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and enjoy a prolonged lifespan. To achieve improved health, you should undergo some regular screening tests, and some are mentioned below.


1. Dental Care

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Do you remember the last time you had a dental care treatment? Did you have to wait to experience dental problems to avail yourself at a dental clinic? Although the visit to the dentist’s fear gets mainly embedded in kids, adults are no exception. For this reason, you may find yourself taking years before making a dental care appointment. You may be in luck when you have crooked teeth since your dentist may advise you on the best method to rectify this anomaly. Although people only know of braces, your doctor may recommend that you use clear aligners, especially when virtual visibility is an issue. Besides, clear aligners cost less than other methods they might suggest. 

2. Blood Pressure

Medical Checkups You Must Do Annually

Blood pressure is not something that you can easily detect and can go unnoticed for years until triggered. As such, you may need to have your blood pressure annually checked if high blood pressure is in your family history. When diagnosed with high blood pressure, you are at higher risk of cardiac disease, heart attacks, or stroke. However, you never have to get to such extremes since hypertension can get controlled by medication and monitoring. Modern medical technology, including portable blood pressure monitors, are available to blood pressure patients.

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3. Cholesterol Levels

High cholesterol level is one of the most neglected and yet vital life-threatening medical conditions. Its symptoms always go undetected since they rarely express themselves. However, high cholesterol can make you vulnerable to severe medical conditions, including cardiovascular diseases. It would help if you considered an annual check-up when you have a family history of overweight or diabetes. When detected early, you can improve its levels by implementing a healthy dietary plan. Alternatively, you may get a lowering medication prescription from your doctor.

4. Cancer Screenings

Cancer has been ruled out as one of the most chronic diseases with the highest mortality rate annually. It would, therefore, be wise when you regularly go for cancer screenings. In the past, those in their 50s and above were more at risk of getting cancer. Nowadays, the kind of lifestyle people leads to a rise in the number of young adults living with cancer. Some of the cancer screening tests you are advised to have include breast cancer, especially in women, cervical cancer, and prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women, respectively, skin and colorectal. Early detection of the cancer cells in your body gives you a better fighting chance.

5. Sensory Screenings

Eyesight and hearing loss are some of the conditions that are primarily associated with age. Other than having a family history or having certain medical conditions, you are more at risk as you age. It would be wise to regularly have your sensory organs checked to find preventive medical care for the needs or prevent them from getting worse.

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6. S.T.D. Screening

Unfortunately, sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise, especially among young adults. Some of these diseases have no symptoms and can go for years without being detected. Infections such as chlamydia, H.I.V., syphilis, and gonorrhea are among such conditions. However, if left untreated for a while, they can lead to life-threatening complications. If you are sexually active, it is advisable to undergo their screening regularly to limit your risks. You can also prevent their contraction by using protection anytime you indulge in any sexual activity.

It is common for people to ignore regular medical check-ups. Some do this to avoid unnecessary healthcare costs. However, you end up incurring more costs in the long run when you have to treat medical conditions that you would have otherwise prevented with regular check-ups.



Maggie graduated from Utah Valley University with a degree in communication and writing. In her spare time, she loves to dance, read, and bake. She also enjoys traveling and scouting out new brunch locations. If you are thinking about fixing your teeth, start by looking into how much clear aligners cost

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