Kids Health Parenting

What Should Be The Normal Weight Of The Baby At Delivery?

Written by Collins Nwokolo


Well, it is somewhat a million dollars question, especially to the parents expecting a baby, right? As the due date comes closer, parents most often get anxious about whether the baby weighs more or less, is it in sound health or not, will I have any birth difficulty, should I go for a c-section, and so on.
With all these rattling in mind, a first-time mom like you and so many out there may find themselves out of the water. Wondering, what should be the weight of the baby for normal delivery? Let’s check out in the following without delay!


What is the normal weight of a baby at delivery
What Should Be the Weight of the Baby for Normal Delivery?

To be very specific to the point, it actually depends on several factors including baby’s gender, length, and gestational age. Babies that have premature birth naturally weigh less. Then again, the babies that are born later than the estimated due date, usually tend to be a bit heavier. However, it doesn’t confirm that you will have a normal delivery if your unborn weigh a bit less or more.
Newborns that are delivered at their gestational age of 40 weeks usually weigh around 3.46 kg or 7.63lb on average. Again, a newborn who is born at its gestational age of 41 weeks or 42 weeks may weigh 3.60 kg or 7.93lb and 3.69 kg or 8.12lb respectively on average. Conversely, babies that are born at their gestational age of 38 weeks may weigh 3.08 kg or 6.8lb on average.
Monitoring your baby weight you can buy a baby scale that helps you monitor your baby growth. The parenting blog welcome parenthood shared a details guide about the baby scale so you can have a look at this content before buying your baby scale.
So, it would be difficult to define a concrete number in kgs or pounds for normal delivery. In such cases, the best practice is consulting your doctor and going through proper diagnosis to predict your baby’s birth weight as well as overall condition. And, then decide whether you should wait for a normal delivery or opt for c-section delivery.

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What is the normal weight of a baby at delivery
Does Birth Weight Matter for Normal Delivery?

Well, as long as your baby is in normal condition overall and its weight range is normal, you hardly have things to worry about. However, possible risks are there if the birth weight of your unborn is more or less than the average.
Babies that born prematurely at low birth weight may have oxygen deficiencies, low blood sugar, and difficulty in maintaining body temperature. On the contrary, babies that are born later than the estimated due date, as well as those that weigh a bit more, may end up with injuries during delivery. And, it can be a threat to both the baby and its mom as well.



What is the normal weight of a baby at delivery
What Is the Maximum Birth Weight One Can Give Birth Normally?

It actually depends on several factors including expectant’s medical records, overall health condition, previous delivery experience, size of the pelvis, and a few others to name. You will find some successful real-life stories regarding normal vaginal delivery with overweight babies.
So, it’s a bit impractical to put the maximum birth weight for normal delivery in a numerical figure. Now, if you are overthinking about the maximum birth weight for normal delivery, better leave it as it is for now. Let the time and your doctor decide what will be the best for you considering overall medical conditions and safety, of course.



Why Are Bigger Babies at Risks?

Well, bigger babies, also known as macrosomic babies, most often have shoulder dystocia. It means, they may end up with getting their shoulder stuck during the delivery. Precisely, during the second stage of delivery when pushing the newborn out.
Though shoulder dystocia may happen even with small babies at random, it is more frequent with macrosomic babies. Apart from that, positioning the mom as well as the newborn also plays a vital role when it comes to vaginal delivery.

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What is the normal weight of a baby at delivery

What Should You Do?

Every delivery is a unique experience whether it’s your first time or you have prior experience. According to experts, you are more likely to feel completely different with each labour and delivery.
Again, each new labour, as well as delivery, is an individual and life-changing moment that leaves such an impression that lasts forever.
However, you should never risk yourself waiting for a normal delivery. Rather, consulting your doctor and allowing her/him to decide what is the best for you, normal delivery or c-section delivery, is the best practice as always.



I am Angelica Murdock, a working Mom with Two lovely children. I have a parenting blog where I share my personal experience as well as parenting tips, tricks, and guideline to make parenting comparatively easier for working moms like me”

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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