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Top 10 Medicinal Herbs And What They Treat

Top 10 Medicinal Herbs And What They Treat


There must be strong support for researches related to medicinal herbs. A lot of people are suffering from the increase in the overall cost of healthcare. Using medicinal herbs is a good option as it is cheaper than commercial drugs.
Also, there are a growing number of people who believe that medicinal herbs are effective in curing various diseases. Gone were the days when people are extremely skeptical of medicinal herbs and their effects.
It is also important to note that these herbs have fewer side effects compared with regular drugs. They also promote natural healing which is effective in making sure that illnesses don’t keep coming back.
You might be familiar with some of these medicinal herbs as they are used in cooking different dishes.

Garlic and ginger
These two are present in several dishes. Garlic for instance is a base ingredient that makes the dish taste better. Aside from that, it also helps fight cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure. If you have allergies, garlic is also effective.
Ginger on the other hand is used by people who suffer from throat issues. It is also perfect in fighting lung problems. Recurring illnesses like migraine and bronchitis may also be treated with the help of ginger.
Both of them taste good when mixed with other ingredients, so taste will be the last thing you will worry about.

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This is a very popular medicinal herb across Asia, especially in China and Korea. It has been proven effective in treating even the most serious illnesses. It is also one of the most expensive herbs out there. If it was taken from an older source, expect the cost to go higher.
When regularly used, ginseng can help fight stress and depression. It also helps lower blood sugar levels. It boosts your immune system too. One of the reasons why it is very popular especially among the male group is because it is said to help solve erectile dysfunction and other sex related problems.

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As the name suggests, this herb is effective in curing fever. It may also combat recurring headaches and stomachaches. Insect bites may also be gradually healed with the help of feverfew. Most of all, it can treat infertility. Some people have claimed that constant intake of feverfew helps in fighting infertility.
These are just some of the many medicinal herbs available. The good thing is that you don’t even have to spend a lot of money just to use them. You can grow some of them right in your backyard. If you need one, just head outside and pick it. If not, they are sold in local stores and markets. Finding them won’t be difficult.
The infographic below lists some other medicinal herbs that you can use. Just try them and see their effects on your health. If you think they are effective, continue using them. Otherwise, there are other medicinal herbs that are still worth the try.
These herbs have been used for centuries in some cases. You don’t have any reason to fear them.

Top 10 Medicinal Herbs... And What They Treat

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Author’s bio

Hi, My name is Dave McDonald.

Growing up in a rural area, Dave has always had an appreciation for the outdoors. After years of city living, having children has reminded him of what is really important in life. Find him online sharing his passion for the great outdoors!

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.


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