Healthy Eating

7 Types Of Teas You Must Have In Your Kitchen Cabinet

Healthy Types Of Teas You Must Have In Your Kitchen
Written by Collins Nwokolo

Tea is revered as a comfort drink around the world, but there is much more to this amazing cup of happiness if you scratch the surface. Beyond making you feel incredibly good and fresh, it can actually serve immense benefits from the health perspective as well. And you will be surprised to know that there is a wide variety available in the world’s favorite beverage. When you start hunting the superstore shelves or browsing online stores, you will surely be able to get a long list of teas from around the world.

Apart from the incredible flavors, these variants are known for, each of these has some wonderful health benefits as well. If you want to explore the wonderful world of exotic teas, here are the types you must taste and stock up in your kitchen cabinet.


7 Healthy Types Of Teas You Must Have In Your Kitchen Cabinet

Healthy Types Of Teas You Must Have In Your Kitchen

 1. Black tea

The most popular variant in teas is the black variant, and you will probably already have it on your kitchen shelf. Made with fermented leaves, it comes with the highest caffeine content. Studies show that it is highly effective for countering diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and stroke. If you want to shed some pounds the healthy way, start drinking a cup or two of the beverage every day. The polyphenols found in black tea can improve gut health, which makes it a great aid for digestion and overall health. You will definitely want your daily cup all the more, now that you know about the fabulous health benefits of the drink. The best part is that easy availability as you can find this variant anywhere, online and in-stores.

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It is wonderfully versatile, too, as you can infuse a variety of herbs to create flavourful infusions with the drink.

2. Green tea

Green tea is undoubtedly one of the most acclaimed beverages across the globe. In fact, it is often referred to as the healthiest drink in the world. Loaded with a potent substance called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), this wonderful drink offers a host of medicinal benefits to regular users. From boosting the brain function to enhancing weight loss and alleviating the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, there is much that green tea can do for you.

Studies even indicate the anti-aging benefit of the drink, which means that you can look and feel young with regular intake. Just ditch your coffee, packaged juices, and colas and start drinking it if you want to experience the immense advantages this drink offers.


 3.  Oolong tea

Next on this list is oolong, which you should not absolutely miss, both because of its taste and healthy qualities. This type is made by oxidizing the leaves partially in the sun and then twisting the strands of the leaves to get the distinctive flavor that oolong is renowned for. The taste and feel of the beverage may vary depending on the region it is sourced from and the amount of caffeine content it has. Besides being loved for its unique flavor, oolong is appreciated because it packs the benefits of black and green tea. High in manganese and antioxidants, it can control blood sugar, improve heart health, promote brain function, and speed up metabolism as well.

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4. Hemp tea

A more unusual pick that you can add to your kitchen cabinet is hemp tea. Being a cannabis product, it may be seen as a recreational drink. But the fact is that it has more health benefits than you may think. Since the legalization of cannabis, the drink is easily available. However, expert brewers at LeafLeaf suggest you should rely only on trusted sources to buy quality products at the best prices. Hemp infusion tastes great and also makes your heart and lungs healthier.

It can be used to relieve chronic pain and alleviate digestive issues like nausea, constipation, diarrhea, and IBS. Regular intake also provides effective relief from issues such as insomnia, stress, anxiety, and depression.

5. Mushroom tea

Mushroom tea is a relatively newer trend but is fast gaining recognition as a healthy beverage choice. You may have been used to having mushrooms in soups and stews, but their newest edition definitely gives a healthy surprise. Everyone knows that mushrooms are high in fiber and antioxidants. The latter makes them the main ingredient for one of the healthiest beverages in the world. Considering the antioxidant properties of mushrooms, the infusion made with them acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory drink.

Preliminary research studies indicate that mushroom tea has high disease-fighting potential and can be effective for countering cancer and treating high blood sugar as well.


6. White tea

Another variant of the beverage that you cannot miss on having in your collection is white tea. The drink brings mild flavor and natural sweetness, which makes it preferable for all palates. But there is much more to it than the excellent taste and aroma it offers. This one is great for detox, specifically to be done with the objective of weight loss and restoration of digestive function. The variant contains a high proportion of antioxidants called catechins, which act as prebiotics and ease digestive discomfort. White tea also has the potential to boost metabolism, which again makes it an effective weight loss drink.

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7. Matcha tea

Matcha tea is sourced from the Camellia sinensis plant, which is also the source of green tea. However, both are grown differently and have unique nutrient profiles as well. Matcha packs nutrients from the entire leaf, which is the reason why it has a higher content of caffeine and antioxidants. Obviously, you can expect extensive health benefits from the drink. These include improved heart health, protection for the liver, and weight loss benefits. The drink also brings better brain health with regular intake.

This list surely has you covered if you are a tea lover and would not want to miss on the best varieties in the world. Just go ahead and stock these variants if you want to wake up to a new flavor and good health every morning. You can also try different recipes and concoctions to create drinks that you will love!

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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