
Finding a Vancouver Acupuncture Clinic Specializing in Facial Acupuncture

Vancouver acupuncture clinic
Written by Guest Author

All those needles stuck in your face during acupuncture treatment seem pretty painful, don’t they? But the people who ‘suffer’ these stings have no painful grimace nor do they show any signs of discomfort. You probably had prejudices about this alternative therapeutic method so far. Still, if you read more about it, you’ll break most of them.

Facial acupuncture is a non-invasive alternative to traditional medicine with proven benefits. A skilled practitioner inserts needles into the patient’s skin, going up and down each direction. These thin metal pins stimulate the nerves and change the flow of qi, or vital force, throughout the body. That results in an increased state of health and well-being. 

Vancouver acupuncture clinic

Acupuncture Benefits

Acupuncture can improve stress levels, fight depression, and treat many other ailments. Plus, when applied to the face, this treatment has an anti-age effect. It stimulates the blood flow to enhance your complexion. Practitioners usually apply needles on the nose, forehead, and chin, as these face parts are prone to visible ageing signs.

The procedure works by stimulating the same areas in the body that Botox treatment targets. But as opposed to Botox, acupuncture works not only on removing signs of ageing but also age spots, freckles, or other blemishes. Both procedures use the same targeted stabs to boost collagen production and blood flow. Regular treatments result in a more youthful look in a short time.

It has been found out that this form of therapy has been useful in alleviating pain and discomfort. Acupuncture is also believed to have positive effects in reducing the spread of cancer cells. There are a lot of people who are now turning to this natural method as an adjunct to conventional medical treatments.

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To get the most of acupuncture, you must entrust your face to a reputable expert in Vancouver. Only that way can you be sure that no side effects will appear. That’s why you have to look for a clinic like, specialized in this natural treatment. 

Check Local Media

As facial acupuncture treatment has to be done once or twice a week, a remote clinic is not the best option. So your first stop should be local yellow pages, newspapers, or search through the Internet. That will provide you with all the relevant information about the clinics available in Vancouver. 

The list will probably be long, but you must start from somewhere if you plan to try acupuncture. You must consider a clinic in Vancouver that is reliable, safe, and whose service doesn’t cost a fortune. Use these parameters to narrow the initial search results. Now you should find contact information or a website of nearby clinics and proceed.

Look for Certified Clinics

Vancouver acupuncture clinic

The first thing that you should keep in mind is that professional acupuncturists need a license. The same goes for their workplace (clinics or private practices). The information about working permits and certificates is public, so you will probably find it on clinics’ websites. Or, if you belong to the old-school, you can go straight to the clinic and ask for this information. It’s you right.

You always have to look for certificates that prove that the practitioner who conducted the procedure has undergone proper training on acupuncture techniques. Otherwise, you could get the wrong treatment and experience some unpleasant side effects due to improper handling. 

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You can look up whether the clinic has a license from the provincial or national health ministry. Also, you should ask whether they belong to any official association. If they do, you can be sure they are licensed providers of acupuncture in Canada. If interested in this rewarding career, visit this source and see what you need to become an acupuncturist.

Experience Matters

When it comes to health and cosmetic treatments, educational background is essential. Without good qualifications, no practitioner can do their job well. If you look for a facial expert, always check their area of specialization. That’s something you must do if you suffer some chronic or complex health condition. 

The experience is the other piece of the puzzle that makes a good acupuncturist (or a clinic). Always check the work background of the chosen expert and clinic before you make your appointment. It’s best to entrust your face to someone who has done successful procedures on lots of people. 

Sure, that doesn’t mean that you can’t work with a young practitioner. Just make sure their skills are acquired through practice, not mere theory.

Talk to Other Patients

Furthermore, when looking for an acupuncture clinic in Vancouver, it will be a good idea for you to someone of current patients. By talking to them, you will better understand how they felt after having their acupuncture sessions done. You will also get an idea about the therapy that they experienced and their thought on the particular clinic.

Make an Appointment

After detailed research, you need a face-to-face appointment. Once you checked the clinic and its employees, the next step is to meet them face-to-face. Make an appointment without any obligation, and see how you’ll feel after meeting the acupuncturist.

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The personal impression of the person who needs to conduct facial treatment is crucial. You have to trust them and be relaxed during sessions. That’s why you must always choose a person who listens to you, makes you feel relaxed, and answers your questions without hesitation.

Make a list of things that you’d like to ask the acupuncturist before you set an appointment. For instance, you will want to ask them about the possible pain and discomfort that patients feel during and after the session. Talk about potential side effects, your health condition, and anything else that comes to your mind. Just make sure you’re short with your questions.

Check the source below to get the idea of questions to ask: 

If you are ready to make a positive change in your appearance and boost your self-confidence, consider facial acupuncture. This treatment is natural and completely safe if performed by experts in a trusted clinic. With that, you will have a great experience in providing yourself with health and youthfulness.

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