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5 Major Benefits Of Collagen Supplements

Collagen Supplements Health Benefits
Written by Collins Nwokolo

Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins within our bodies – making up one-third of your body’s protein needs. It’s a major component that makes up our connective tissues, our muscles, our skin, and our bones, which means that it’s definitely a key player in keeping you healthy. 

However, as we age, our bodies’ collagen production naturally decreases. While there are 16 different types of collagen, all of our collagen levels get lower as we get older. In some cases, this can leave people at risk of collagen deficiency, which can result in stiff, painful joints, and sagging skin. 

As a result of this concern, collagen supplements have become more and more popular in recent years. Even though there are certain foods that are rich in collagen that you can eat, collagen supplements have become a preferred way of ensuring that your collagen intake is still high enough to keep you looking and feeling young. 

If you’re considering turning to taking a pure collagen protein powder, here are the five major benefits to consider.  

1. Better Heart Health

Starting with the biggest one – collagen supplements actually do have the potential to reduce the risk of heart conditions. While there isn’t a huge amount of scientific research that has been conducted into this benefit, it’s important to note that collagen is necessary to provide structure to your internal organs. You need enough of the protein to ensure that your arteries remain strong, rather than becoming weak as a result of a deficiency. 

Weakened arteries are going to find it tougher to successfully transport blood around your body, which can eventually result in a lot of health conditions. Collagen supplements have even been proven to reduce artery stiffness when it’s taken daily over a long enough period of time. 

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2. Healthy Skin

If you know anything about collagen, it’s probably to do with the fact that it plays a major role in the health of your skin. As collagen is one of the most important structural proteins that we need, it’s rather obvious that our skin needs it too. Collagen works to strengthen, smoothen, and increase the elasticity of the skin, which reduces the likelihood of wrinkles forming. 

Collagen Supplements Health Benefits

There have been numerous scientific studies that showcase the truth to this benefit. For example, one study found that women who drank a daily beverage mixed with collagen powder for the period of 12 weeks had increased skin hydration. 

3. Pain-Free Joints

Have you ever heard of an older person complaining about stiff, painful joints? If so, that’s most likely a result of their decreased collagen production. Collagen helps maintain the strength and production of the cartilage that protects your joints and bones. Without enough collagen, their cartilage is going to weaken and thin out, meaning that their joints aren’t going to move as smoothly without pain. 

Due to the number of studies that have been carried out on the benefits of collagen when it comes to the body’s joints, researchers have suggested that collagen supplements might actually stimulate your body to produce more collagen naturally. Not only does this mean that you’re going to be benefitting from better joint support, but you’ll also start seeing other benefits, such as healthier skin.

4. Promotes Hair And Nail Growth

It’s no secret that collagen is one of the biggest components when it comes to the health of your nails and your hair. Without enough collagen in your system, you’re going to eventually find that your nails turn more brittle and your hair will thin out, losing its shine. When you have enough collagen, your nails will remain strong, and your hair will prove to be as healthy as it can be. 

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Collagen supplements have also been suggested to help stimulate your nails and your hair to grow longer as well. This is mainly due to the fact that your body will have enough collagen in abundance and so, in turn, will be prompted to speed up the growth of your hair and nails. 

5. Collagen Powder Is Versatile 

Our final benefit is not so much revolved around health, but it is definitely focused on just how useful collagen powder can be. While you can take collagen in a tablet form, the powder alternative is much more versatile and can be added to almost any type of recipe. Whether that be a cooking recipe, a baking recipe, or a smoothie recipe, collagen makes for the perfect addition. 

Collagen Supplements Health Benefits

Naked collagen, for example, is tasteless and highly soluble, making it the perfect way to add more collagen to your dishes and make sure that you’re getting enough of the protein. What’s even better is that it also contains only one ingredient, so you don’t have to worry about any nasty hidden additives. 

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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