Health Tips

5 Unhealthy Habits You Never Knew Were Wrong

5 Unhealthy habit you never knew
To some people, being a healthy is very simple. “Just do the basics and you won’t die” that’s their reasoning.
But do you know that some of the things you do or that you don’t do  everyday can be bad for your health?. And could also affect the health of others around you.
There is nothing that gives me so much joy than helping you maintain a happy and healthy life.
Today, you will get to know some really unhealthy habits that you are doing now and everyday.
As you read, I want you to, learn something new, have fun and get healthier. And where possible you should make the need changes that will improve the quality of your health and wellbeing. Let’s go!
1. Eating late in the night
Probably you were watching a very captivating movie, you watched it till it was very late in night. You got hungry and then started looking for what to eat.
Most of the food you eat during late hours are not metabolized. They were originally thought to even increase weight gain. The crazy thing about this that, when you start eating in front of a television you can’t just stop.
Eating late has also been associated with people  are stressed out or bored.
Bottom line is..
Eating at late hours can cause you to have indigestion and sleeping problems.
2. Covering your sneeze with your hands
Yes, whether its a cough, sneeze or gossip lol, you shouldn’t use your palms to cover it.
Why is that? Because most germs are spread through contact we make with
our hands. All of our everyday activities involves us making use of our hands. So we could spread diseases, through germs and bacteria when we have direct or contact with a person.
Where then should you sneeze in? Your natural guess would be your handkerchief, that’s good. But in case there’s no handkerchief to use. You should cover your sneeze with your elbow region.
3. Taking Drugs with food and drinks
This is one particular unhealthy habit that you might not think is wrong.
I forgot to mention it among the common drugs and medications mistakes. This happens when you want to give drugs to your child that hates bitter drugs. You might mix it with a sweet soft drink or hide it inside the meat and give the child.
This shows you care for your child. But you are not necessarily helping yourself or the child.
Taking drugs or prescriptions with a food or a processed drink is an unhealthy habit. It could lead to Drug-food/beverage interactions. This can make the drugs work slower and get you very tired.
5 Unhealthy habit you never knew
4. Not washing or changing your kitchen sponge.
Your kitchen sponge is the most versatile tool in your kitchen. It washes every utensil inside. However you might forget that you kitchen sponge needs to be kept clean or changed occasionally.
Your single kitchen sponge can harbor billions of microorganism.
There are two things you can do. It’s either you regularly change the sponge or you clean and sanitize it often.
5. Eating too much fruits
Fruits are the most healthy food you can eat. They improve your health and generally help body function.
However, eating too much fruits can be bad for your health.
Because fruits mainly contains glucose, fructose and sucrose, excessive consumption can lead to an increase in blood sugar level.
Additionally, eating too much fruit can cause digestion problems to people with fructose intolerance.
I hope you learned something new today. Thanks for reading.
Which of them are you guilty of? Do you know any other unhealthy habit I didn’t mention? Please comment!

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Image Credits: Shuttershock

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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