Health Tips

Health Tips To Help You Stay Healthy In The Hot Season


Health Tips for Hot Weather


The hot season is a period, were there is extreme hotness and heating in the climate. It is very important  to stay healthy during the hot season, because there are a number of heat-related diseases that could occur during such period.
Also, during such periods of extremely hot weather, you can also get uncomfortable and sweat a lot.
The climate seems to get hotter each year.
How can you avoid the illnesses associated with this hot weather? How can you generally stay healthy this hot season? Stay tuned.
Diseasesassociatedwithhot season
They are also known as heat-related diseases.
These are diseases that occur when or due to extreme heat in the environment. They include:
1. Heat cramps.
2. Heat exhaustion
3. Heat Stroke
4. Heat Rashes
5. Meningitis (can be worsened in cases of severely hot weather)
They are certain groups of people who are at higher risk of getting sick.
These include: Aged persons who are 65 years or more, young children 4 years or less, obese people, people with heart diseases or mental illnesses.
Now, the question is how do you stay healthy during this hot weather.

Health tips for hot weather

There are so many things you should do if you want to survive the hot season healthy and happy. These tips will not just help you avoid the heat-related diseases, but also remain very comfortable despite the hot climate.
Health Tips for Hot Weather


1. Stay hydrated at all times
In this period you should drink more water than the way you normally do, and also don’t wait until you get thirsty to drink water.
Drink plenty of fluids apart from water. Dehydration is the common factor of heat-related diseases. Don’t take alcohol it can induce dehydration.
So remember to stay hydrated always.
2. Avoid too much sun exposure
Reduce the amount of time you spend outside, especially during midday when the sun is hottest.
In cases where you need to be out, you should use a light umbrella.
3. Eat lighter meals
Eat foods that are not heavy, reduce the intake of carbohydrates. Eat more salads, fresh vegetables and fruit.
4. Wear light Clothes
This is not the time for fancy suites and tie. Cloths that are light weight and loose fitting prevents you from excessively sweating and keep your body cool. Don’t wear black or dark colored, as they absorb heat. Instead you should put on lightly colored clothing.
5. Take your bath more than once a day
Have a regular shower in a day to keep your body cool and sweet.
It doesn’t matter how many times you do shower, just make sure it’s not just once in a day.
6. Stay in a well ventilated place
You should always stay in places where there is adequate air. Especially where your young children sleep. Don’t rely on just your fan for air. Open the windows, make good use of hand fans.
7. Exercise
Exercising should be during the early hours if the day. Exercising regularly can help  reduce sweating.
8. Avoid or reduce using oily creams and moisturizers.
They will only keep you hotter and increase sweating.
9. Don’t leave your children locked up in a car
The car could get heated up.
Whatabout the illnesses?
In case you get sick from the heat (which I earnestly hope doesn’t happen). You should watch out for these symptoms.
Yellow urine
Extensive sweating
Muscle Cramps
reddish rashes, mostly on the neck or upper chest, or in the elbow and under the breasts.
What you should when you get these symptoms are :
1. Apply powder to keep the affected areas dry in cases of heat rashes.
2. In cases of muscle cramps, you should massage your limbs to ease the cramps and apply pressure with ice packs.
3. If it gets serious, see your doctor immediately. Also, when there is an emergency you should call the nearest emergency center.
Thank for reading. I’d love to read your comments.


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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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