Health Tips

World Health Day: 101 Ways To Get Healthy

It’s the World Health Day. A lot of people today want to get healthy live a healthier lifestyle. However, there are many challenges today that makes achieving good health impossible. But the most important challenge is YOU. It’s all about you and your choices.
World health day for 2016 has a key message regarding diabetes. Diabetes has become a global problem and seriously has to be curtailed. But, however preventing diabetes or any other disease means maintaining a healthy lifestyle now.
That’s why my articles for the World Health Day of 2016 is 101 ways to get healthy.

1. Exercise often

2. Sleep properly

3. Eat more of fruits and vegetables

4. Visit your doctor regularly

5. Practice Meditation 

6. Perform breathing exercises

7. Reduce Intake of high cholesterol foods

8. Drink enough water

9. Set Achievable Fitness goals

10.  Smile always

11. Take note of your calorie intake

12. Drink alcohol moderately

13. Wear fitting shoes

14. Share your feelings with someone


16. Do what makes you happy

17. Remember to always take a break

18. Socialize freely

19. Reduce the junk food

20. Try to exercise at work

21. Reduce the fast food

22. Eat brain boosting foods

23. Engage in safe sex

24. Avoid harmful drugs

25. Take good care of your body

26. Protect your heart

27. Avoid people with contagious illness

28. Regularly check your blood sugar level

29. Wash your hands at all times

30. Practice time management

31. Challenge your brain

32. Build new friendships

33. Know your present health condition

34. Visit the gym

35. Spend time with loved ones

36. Take your work seriously

37. Cut down the sugar intake

38. Eat lean meats

39. Give a hug

40. Have therapeutic massages

41. Read a good book once in  while

42. Take a stroll

43.Never skip breakfast

44. Take out time to relax

45. Keep your environment very clean

46. Always pray

47. Eat when you are hungry

48. Try learning a new skill 

49. Inspire yourself

50. Your kitchen and toilet should always be kept clean

51. Keep up to date with your vaccinations

52. Detox once in a while

53. Keep yourself informed with latest health trends

54. Snack less

55. Keep motivating yourself to live a healthy life

56. Make plans for the future

57. Create time for intimacy

58. Put effort into losing weight

59. Lower your expectations 

60. Get a pet

61. Always heat up

62. Make effort to get the proper healthcare

63. Take care of your teeth

64. Listen to music

65. Write down your thoughts

66. Improve your posture

67. Keep motivating yourself

68. Don’t be afraid to show love

69. Look beautiful

70. Use your smartphone less

71. Avoid harmful radiation

72. Always moisturize your skin

73. Never drink and drive

74. Seriously watch your sodium intake

75. Don’t hold your urine for a very long time

76. Take note of any hereditary diseases

77.Watch less TV 

78. Curb unhealthy cravings

79. Stretch your body

80. Quit smoking for good

81. Build your self esteem

82. Quit masturbation 

83. Wear the right clothes

84. Love yourself

85. Eat less before going to bed

86. Take your prescriptions seriously

87. Don’t engage in dangerous games

88. Eat spicy foods.

89. Watch out for your allergies

90. Eat foods with antioxidants

91. Protect your eyes

92. Drink herbal tea

93. Work hard towards your fitness goals

94. Be generous

95. Build Muscles

96. Don’t forget the sun is free vitamin D

97. Spend time with nature 

98. Notice your bodily changes

99. Always stay positive

100. Advice people around you to stay healthy.

101.Always visit to read fun articles that will help you get healthy.
Happy World Health Day!

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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