Addiction Recovery

How to Cope with Drug Addiction

Written by Collins Nwokolo

While drugs are considered highly beneficial in a medical perspective, using them either without a prescription or in an overdose can lead to drug abuse. A person can be addicted to drugs if he or she either misuses a prescription by overdosing oneself or uses them for purposes other than its actual intention. Most drug users are generally so addicted that they cannot imagine a life without consuming drugs. While drug addiction can be a difficult phase to overcome, there are many ways to cope with such a problem.

How to Recognize Addiction

Some of the most obvious ways to recognize addiction are associated with physical and psychological problems like being distant, engaging in illegal activities like stealing, academic negligence, weight loss, loss of motivation, and more. Most drugs cause a sense of paranoia, increased heart rate, panic attacks, and a high feeling that makes them profoundly addictive. It is a similar to those who are addicted to alcohol. Someone might wonder, am I an alcoholic? However, it is easy to recognize.

Drug addiction can be a result of environmental changes such as attitudes of your peers and family beliefs, or genetic traits that can speed up the progression of a disease. The addiction to a drug can cause many changes with the neurons or the neurotransmitters of the brain that can remain long after quitting drug use.

Dealing with Addiction

In addition to the multiple ways of treatment that are proven to have commendable results, there are many other ways to deal with addiction:

Accept Your Addiction

One of the biggest secrets to coping with your addiction is being honest with yourself and the people around you. It includes your family, friends, and those who are professionally helping you. You cannot overcome an addiction without the support of people around you. Although most drugs do not have serious addiction symptoms, it can be quite overwhelming to cope with it once it gets too late. 

Talking to people, meditating, and seeking professional help are known to alleviate some stress and anxiety from your system. However, talking to people with honesty is never enough. It would be best if you also listened to people who care about you. It can help you have productive therapy sessions and efficient treatment and the support of an enthusiastic group to cheer you on.  


Surround Yourself with Supportive People

You can only overcome and cope with an addiction if you have a support system that is strong and reliable around you. Stay close to friends and family who understand your position and inspire you to cope with your addiction. Removing all triggers from your life, such as people, objects, images, phone numbers, and more can be a great way to be surrounded by positivity. You can also work with many support groups to make a group effort that motivates one another. You can also surround yourself with people by sharing your goals and aspirations to win their support and attention during a time of need. Going for drug rehab would also be great for you.


Keep Yourself Motivated

A key way to remove any triggers from your life is by keeping yourself as busy as possible. An effective way to do this is to find new hobbies or continue the ones you enjoy doing. Not just this, being able to excel and learn newer hobbies can give you a sense of reward and joy that can be pleasurable. You can meet new people and invest your time doing something good for society, such as volunteering as well. With so much time at hand, you can give back to a worthy cause that will give you a natural high. Another replacement to overcome and cope with addiction is to exercise and eat good food to help elevate your mood.


Coping with a Drug Addict

It is heartbreaking to see a loved one have to suffer through drug addiction. Here are some ways in which you can cope with their situation and give them the help they need. 

Educate Yourself

There are many online resources, books, and courses available for families to learn about addiction. Learning about how the substance interacts with the mind and cells can help them understand the reality of drugs and the treatment facilities to prevent addiction. This education will not just inspire families to support the person who is addicted but also can boost a sense of hope among them. The more knowledge you gain, the more assurance you will receive to believe that drug addiction can be treated with some profound lifestyle changes.

Therapy Sessions

Siblings, parents, and spouses of the addicted person can participate in many therapy sessions to help reduce their stress. Addiction is not just the problem of one individual, but it affects everyone surrounding the person. As a result of this stress, family members can become very distant, which can negatively impact the person who is fighting addiction. Family therapy sessions are designed to help the members express their concerns, mental stress, and support one another. While it does take time, a family therapy session is highly beneficial for both the addict and the family. A good drug treatment centre can help.


Lifestyle Changes

Exercise is one of the most helpful things that make a person physically sound and inspires them to live with healthier thoughts. Going for a run or a workout can release many pleasure chemicals that make the family members and friends feel energized. It would be best if you also had a healthy habit of following a good sleep pattern. If one does not get enough sleep, they generally tend to be angry, sad and stressed faster. Creating a pattern with a proper sleep schedule can help your brain feel less stressed so that you can cope with the addicted person.


Although drug addiction is a big problem in recent years, it is equally crucial to understand that it is reversible. Many people worldwide have fought with temptations revolving around addiction to lead a healthier life for a better future. It can be quite difficult to live with someone who is highly involved with drug abuse, which is why people who live in constant touch with an addict need to take care of themselves as well. With some planning and a calm mind, you can help everyone involved to cope with the addiction sustainably to prevent any relapse in the future. 

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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