
Frequent Headaches, Blurry Vision, and Strained Eyes: Signs You Need a Glass

Signs You Need a Glass
Written by Guest Author

The human body is a complex machine. We don’t always have the best understanding of how it works. And it keeps on changing. That’s why, sometimes, we could also develop some problems we didn’t have before. Eye problems are one of those many problems.

Frequent headaches and eye strains are early signs of eye problems. Most eye problems are treatable with the correct diagnosis and prescription eye glasses. But it is also important to track your visual health by regularly examining your eyes at the nearest eye center. You can search for “eye glasses near me” to find the nearest eye centers. 

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it is high time you get your eyes checked and treated. q

You See Double or Have Blurry Vision Sometimes.

The American Association of Ophthalmology estimates that more than 34 million Americans aged 40 or above suffer from nearsightedness. The same report also shows that 14.2 million Americans aged 40 or above have farsightedness.

If you see double or have blurry vision sometimes, it is important to visit an eye doctor. Double vision can be caused by nearsightedness or farsightedness. Blurred vision can be caused by nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia. 

 If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, get in touch with your eye doctor as soon as possible.

You See Halos Around Lights at Night

If you see halos around lights at night, it’s a sign that there’s a problem with your eyes. Halos are caused by light bouncing off the lens of your eye onto your retina, which allows you to see things. Usually, this process works well to give you a clear vision, but sometimes it can cause problems.

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If you have cataracts or macular degeneration (two common eye diseases), light may bounce in such a way that creates those bright rings around lights. The good news is that these conditions can be treated with surgery. 

Colors Aren’t as Vivid as They Used to Be

You notice that colors aren’t as vivid as they used to be. You might also have trouble distinguishing between red and green or yellow and blue. This is called color blindness. It happens if your lenses are cloudy or if there has been a problem with the retina of your eyes (like macular degeneration). 

Wearing contact lenses and special glasses can help this situation.

You’re Straining Your Eyes to See

If you are straining your eyes to see things, then it is a sure indication that you should get your eyes checked. Straining your eyes can signify more serious problems like glaucoma and cataracts, especially if you’re feeling any pain in your eyes or headaches. 

A simple Visual Acuity test reveals how well you can see the details of the things you see. According to Healthline, 20/20 is the ideal score for normal eyesight. If you do not get a 20/20 on the test, you may need corrective glasses, contact lenses, or surgery. 

Your Eyes Take Longer to Adjust From Dark to Light

The muscles that control the expansion and contraction of our irises weaken as we age. This leads to a delayed response in how quickly our eyes adjust to the light.  

If your eyes face discomfort while transitioning from a dark environment to a light environment or vice versa, you should schedule an eye exam with your ophthalmologist.

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Start Taking Better Care of Your Eyes

According to research, more than half of the world’s population is expected to become short-sighted by 2050. 

Clear vision is essential to day-to-day life, but sometimes we take our eyes for granted.

You may not notice when your vision changes until you experience frequent headaches, blurry vision, and strained eyes. That’s why scheduling an eye exam is always a good idea.

Eye exams are important because they help identify any issues with your eyes before they become more serious. You should schedule regular exams with your optometrist or ophthalmologist every year, even if there aren’t any issues. It’s also helpful to keep track of how much time you spend on devices that could be potentially harmful to your eyesight, like phones and computers.

If you’re having any of these symptoms, getting them checked out as soon as possible is important. You need to get this done before the problem worsens or causes permanent damage to your healthy eyes.


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