Healthy Living & Wellness

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Trekking

Health Benefits of Trekking
Written by Collins Nwokolo

Many of us do recognize the imminent need to exercise more, but with our extremely hectic lifestyles, it’s critical to place more priority on the activities that could provide us with the maximum health benefits. Getting some workouts in a gym after a whole day of sitting at a desk in a rigid workplace could not be more unfeasible. It’s no longer news that an increasing number of people are shying away the gym in favor of trekking in order to enhance their overall health status. The lucky news is that a mere 30-minute trekking every day can make a big difference in your health.

Perhaps, you need some inspiration to get in your running shoes, briefly, here are proven five health benefits of trekking, which you will definitely find surprising.

1. Trekking Helps You Live Longer

According to studies, trekking five (5) miles at a low speed per week can help lower the risk pf medical issues such as strokes, heart attacks and heart failure by 31 percent. 10,000 steps while walking equals 5 miles, so if find yourself walking around late at night to attain 10,000 steps, you are on the right path to achieving the goal. Kudos!

An active exercising life is also one of the best counter measures to combat the risk of cancer. Trekking and exercise lowers the quantity of estrogen in the bloodstream, which explains the reason why physically active women are very unlikely to have breast cancer. 

2. Trekking Improves Your Mood

Medical experts are more adept to prescribe exercising as an anti-depression treatment, and several medical journals have reflected the possibility of trekking to suppress symptoms of depression to a more effective manner compared to the intake of drugs. Walking can be a great mood catalyst because it mixes the psychological health advantages of being surrounded by physical elements and people, with the physiological benefits of exercise.

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There is an ever increasing body of knowledge that connect a relationship between mental health and the quality of time spent by people with nature. Clinically, some studies proved that walking helps: to reduce stress and blood pressure; and enhance energy and sleep levels. In our very present day, anyone would concur that emotional stability is one of the vital health benefits of trekking.

3. Trekking Boosts Your Heart Health

The art of trekking can be said to have transformed to a cardio exercise the moment you find it difficult to engage in conversations while walking. During the course of prominent tours such as Hante Route Trek and the Tour du Mont Blac Trek, some activities entails walking on an upward slope that stretches up to 1000m, which often makes one to run out of air inside the lungs. Definitely, cardio walking is key for developing stronger hearts, and a significant reduction in body cholesterol. Boosting your heart health is one of the many benefits of mountaineering and trekking uphill.

4. Trekking Boosts Your Body Metabolism

Scientific facts has it that being in a rigid position for just twenty (20) minutes can lead to a decline in our body metabolism, and prolonged hours of inactivity (four hours, to be precise) can totally shut down the activities of enzymes that metabolize our body fats. It’s advisable to take regular breaks from the screen while being busy at work to avoid this from happening.

Trekking can also help to raise your body metabolic processes by developing muscles in your legs. Your resting metabolic rates increases as your muscle mass increases.

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5. Trekking Strengthen Your Bones

Trekking is also a low intensity way of exercising for people suffering from joint pain. The art of walking exerts more pressure on your body bones which helps to maintain their strength and resilience.


Final Thoughts

Instead of using a car or getting a bus, you should opt for trekking as it is nice form of exercise with many health benefits. The health benefits of trekking includes boosting the heart health, improving the mood, and strengthening the bones.

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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