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Health and Fitness Tips for Breastfeeding Mothers

Health and Fitness tips for nursing mothers
Written by Collins Nwokolo

You may be a new mom, and you are excited to have your pre-pregnancy body again. It may be challenging but throw in breastfeeding, and things can become more complicated. You may feel like you are ready to go into exercise and decide on a diet plan. But you may not want to deprive your baby of the nutrients that he needs. Read more about breastfeeding in this link here.

Health and Fitness tips for nursing mothers

Exercise for breastfeeding moms is a great way to unwind, get those joints moving again, and lose some pounds. You can exercise, but you also need to take care of your health. To get better exercise, here are some pieces of information that you may want to know.

Exercise Does Not Affect Milk Production

Health and Fitness tips for nursing mothers

You may hear people tell you that exercise can affect breast milk production, but this is not true. The taste of milk may change because of the increase in lactic acid. But it does not change the amount of milk that you produce. As long as the baby is frequently feeding, your brain will signal your body to keep producing breast milk.

Keep the Exercise Moderate

You should not turn into vigorous exercise but choose a workout plan that has a moderate routine. Although you may feel that you have an advantage with exercise, keep in mind that exclusively fed babies that feed on sedentary moms grow the same rate as the ones who are feeding on moms who frequently exercise. Breast milk remains nutritional, regardless if you exercise or not. Do not force yourself unnecessary and just go on light jogs.

Choose Foods with Plenty of Calories

Health and Fitness Tips for Breastfeeding Mothers

Breastfeeding is the best way to lose some weight. This is even considered as the golden ticket of some moms to achieve their pre-pregnancy body. Aside from the daily exercise that you are doing, you are losing an extra 300 to 500 extra calories each day. In order for you to not get too thin, you have to make sure to load on calories. There are sites such as Diet Fitness King – Health Advice that can give you more information about diet and exercise.

Eat healthy snacks such as salmon, beef, eggs, legumes, beans, nuts, seeds, and green leafy vegetables. They will make up on the extra pounds that you are losing through breastfeeding. This can result in a very healthy body. Many health and fitness coach experts say that moms may want to hit the gym immediately after they get their go signal from their OB-GYN. But they should do everything in moderation as their body is still recovering.

Give the baby all the nutrients that she needs. You should not cut down on calories. Do not decrease your diet in the aim of cutting down on pregnancy pounds. You need to support yourself and eat right in order to produce enough milk that your baby needs on a daily basis.


Drink Plenty of Fluids

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When it comes to breastfeeding mom’s health, water is very essential to drink a lot of water. There’s no need to drown yourself but make sure to stay hydrated. Exercising can keep your joints and body in shape. However, too much exercise will result in sweating. This can lead to dehydration if done in the extreme. Stay hydrated because water is the primary source of breast milk. If you notice that your body becomes thirsty, you need to drink water immediately. Keep bottled water handy all the time. If you are bored with the plain taste of water, you can choose fruit or vegetable juices, almond milk, and infused water.

Exercise in the Right Time

You may want to do your exercise routines after breastfeeding. This way, your breast is emptier. You can plan a schedule that will suit with your infant’s sleeping schedule. It can be complicated but not impossible to do. A run outdoors can require pumping breaks so that your baby will not get too hungry. You may also want to do quick training sessions at home while the baby is sleeping sweetly. The key to getting things working out is to schedule everything. Don’t stress yourself too much. You are doing your best, and you are doing great.

Choose Low-Impact Activity Exercises

The body takes time to recommend after childbirth. It can take from up to four months for the body to recover. You should consider your ligaments and whether you still have lochia before starting an exercise routine. Get more information about lochia in this site: A great exercise to try is to start swimming, walk on the elliptical machine, and do some swimming routines. Include at least 15 minutes of strengthening your core muscles. This will help you regain strength. You can even do multitasking exercises while feeding your little one.

Eating Guidelines for Breastfeeding Moms

Eat a variety of foods to satisfy your hunger. A recommended of 1700 to 2000 calories a day should be the right serving for breastfeeding mothers. If you become unusually thirsty during each feeding session, make sure to sip small amounts of water throughout the day. Limit caffeine intake to two servings a day.
Eat fish because it contains healthy fats that are beneficial to the body. There are fishes that are high in contaminants such as king mackerel, shark and swordfish. Avoid those. You should limit your fish serving to up to 6 ounces week. Tuna steaks, scallops, crabs, catfish, Pollock, shrimp, salmon, anchovies, and sardines should be limited to 8 ounces of serving a week.

When it comes to food, you can eat almost anything aside from the four types of fishes mentioned above. Your baby gets introduced to a wide variety of food when you eat a wide range of diet. If the baby seems a little colicky after you eat a certain food, it is possible that he may be allergic to it. This can happen, especially if the family has a history of allergic reactions to certain foods. You can also how to store breastmilk for your baby.

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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