Mental & Emotional Health Womens Health

7 Uplifting Mental Health Tips for New Moms

Mental Health Tips for New Moms
Written by Collins Nwokolo

Motherhood is a different phase of life for all women, especially for new moms. While it is a thing of joy to welcome a baby into a family, it leaves some with many downsides that might affect their mental health.

For instance, some new moms may experience imbalances in their hormonal levels, leading to health issues. Recently, the WHO reported that close to 13 percent of women who just put to bed experience mental-related issues.

One study found out that new mothers may experience depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

In some cases, these new moms may experience PTSD as a result of a real or perceived trauma during delivery or following delivery.

Also, you might detect a change in your sleep cycle, increase in body weight which may eventually lead to post-partum depression. While these narratives might be true, it is not meant to scare you.  

Working on your mental health helps keep you on top of your game and even aids your post-partum (after birth) recovery. It also helps you bond well with your baby. 

Below are 5 encouraging mental health tips for new moms.

1. Sleep well

While you may not have enough strength to hit the gym or do some exercise, sleep will do a lot in restoring your mood and improving your thinking quotient.

Various studies have shown that new mothers who sleep less are three times more susceptible to developing depression than those who sleep well.

2. Have support around you

As earlier explained, child birthing is quite a daunting task that affects mental health. You should find someone, probably your husband or a close friend, to discuss with or confide in. 

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When you communicate your feelings, your confiding partner will serve as a support and a shoulder to cry. Just keep communicating.

3. Enjoy your hobbies

Nursing a baby involves breastfeeding, changing diapers, and other activities that might hinder you from doing what you enjoy best.

You can create time for your favorite television shows, and if it is a cinema or amusement park you would love to visit, please do. Just don’t give up on yourself.

4. Limit social media

Social media is often a fake world, so comparing yourself or your body with other new moms may be the wrong thing to do.

Rather, you can join group pages where other moms discuss topics that enhance after-birth recovery. 

When you stay too long chatting, you may not have an adequate amount of time to rest.

Instead, it is better to prioritize your ‘real life’ relationship with people over social (virtual) media. There are many other health benefits of leaving social media for a while.

5. Set Realistic Goals

Every new mum is not the same; some hate to stay idle, while others just want to take their time.

If you are in the former category, you should list what you want to achieve in a day but make the list light.

For instance, you can first take a nap, wash a few dishes, rest, and then take a cup of tea before taking on another task.

If you want to start exercising as a new mom, you should start by setting small, reasonable goals.

6. Practice self-care

In addition to enjoying your hobbies, new mothers need to take care of themselves.

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Self-care is one of the best ways to take care of your mental health, especially after giving birth.

Some relaxing self-care activities for new moms include getting a massage, going for a spa, going for a date, going out for a walk, and painting.

7. Stay in touch with your doctor

Lastly, never forget to discuss with your doctor how you are feeling; always remember that there is medical help.

Ask the the doctor to help you identify any common symptom of mental health conditions in new moms, and ways you can tackle them.

If you feel you may be having signs of postpartum depression, tell your physician as soon as possible, and get the necessary help.

Furthermore, spend time with your baby. There are many emotional benefits of breastfeeding, which you can derive by spending time with your newborn. These mental health tips for new moms are helpful and really important.


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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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