
Skin Numbing Cream for Tattoos: The Facts That You Need to Know

Written by Collins Nwokolo

There is no denying the fact that tattoos are painful. Regardless if you are a tough macho guy or a teenage girl, the pain that comes with having a tattoo is just the same. It feels as if thousands of needles are pricking you and there is no way around it. Or so we thought.

These days, the industry experts were able to develop the perfect solution to stop and prevent tattoo pain—tattoo numbing cream. If you wish to get a tattoo without experiencing the pain that comes with it, then you should get to know these creams a lot better. Lucky for you, though, we have everything that we need right in this article.

Facts Skin Numbing Cream for Tattoos

What is a Tattoo Numbing Cream?

A tattoo numbing cream is a cream that contains topical anaesthetics such as tetracaine, lidocaine, benzocaine, and prilocaine. This cream is applied to the skin before the tattoo procedure, and it works by temporarily numbing the skin’s nerve endings to make the process as painless as possible. The effects of the cream may last for 60 to 90 minutes.

For safe and quality numbing products you may check these topical anesthetic cream reviews. These numbing creams reduce tattoo pain significantly.

Recently, many people have found other uses for this type of creams. These include the relief of insect bites, scrapes, minor wounds, sunburn, and allergic reaction to poison ivy.

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Skin Numbing Cream for Tattoos

The Types of Skin Numbing Cream for Tattoos and How They Work

There are actually different types of tattoo numbing cream, and these types differ in the way that they work. If you wish to know which type of numbing cream you should use, please take a look at the information that we have below:

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•    Nerve blockers
Blocking the nerve endings is the most common way that anaesthetics work. These creams lower the number of pain signals that the nerve endings send to the brain. Because of this, this type of creams are effective in reducing the pain that the person feels, but it doesn’t completely get rid of the pain. Because of this, it is usually used in combination with another type of numbing cream, like the one below.

•    Nerve deadeners

Instead of just blocking the nerve endings, deadeners work by temporarily preventing the nerves from actually working. As a result, the nerves do not register any feeling of pain anymore.

The downside of using this type of anaesthetic is that it is not able to penetrate the deepest layers of the skin. The sad part is, the tattoo needles tend to reach these deep areas during the procedure. Because of this, this type of numbing cream is often used with nerve blockers

•    Vasoconstrictors

Vasoconstrictors are not actual numbing agents, but these promote the constrictions of blood vessels which slows down the flow of the blood in a certain part of the skin. Because of this, the absorption of chemicals in the body, which prolongs the effect of the different numbing agents in the cream. Because of this, the amount of pain that the user will experience is reduced for a prolonged period.

Skin Numbing Cream for Tattoos

Does Tattoo Numbing Cream Come With Side Effects?
As expected, the use of these creams may come with various side effects. These are as follows:
•    Skin irritation
•    Inflammation
•    Redness
•    Itchiness
•    Tingling and Burning Sensation Upon Application

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These side effects can be felt right after application. But there are some instances wherein the user experience these effects a day or two later. People with sensitive skin or other underlying skin conditions are the most prone to experiencing such side effects. If you are one of these people, you may want to speak with your doctor first before using the cream. Alternatively, you can use numbing spray before tattooing.

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Skin Numbing Cream for Tattoos

Tips on How to Use Tattoo Numbing Cream

If your doctor has given you the go-ahead signal, the next move that you should take is to determine how to apply the numbing cream. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

•    Wash the skin first.
Before you put on the cream, make sure that your skin is properly washed and cleaned to get rid of the dirt and dust that may prevent the absorption of the active ingredients. After washing the skin with soap and water, pat it dry using a towel.

•    Cover the skin after applying the cream.
After you have generously applied the cream to your skin, cover your skin with a plastic cover or cling wrap. In this way, heat can be generated and it can boost the numbing effect of the cream.

•    Keep some precautions in mind.
There are some things to avoid when using numbing creams. First, avoid creams that contain more than 5% of the active ingredient. In addition to that, never apply the cream to broken skin, or on your tongue, in the nose or your eyes.

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Tattoo numbing creams allow you to enjoy a pain-free tattoo procedure, but it may come with unwanted effects. If you wish to avoid the said effects, we recommend that you follow the tips mentioned above.

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Author Bio:
Emily is the founder of, a blog where she and her associates talk about exercise, fitness, and yoga. They aim to help people like you to achieve the perfect body. BodyShape101 is concentrated on exercise & fitness tips and making the most out of it. She is also a mother of one, and she tries to find the balance between her passion and her biggest joy in life.

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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