When you are watching Hollywood movie, all you can think about is the plot line. You are lost in a different world full of different characters. And how long does it take for you to finish the movie and come back into the real world?
Not more than 2 to 4 hours. But, how long does it take to make a film? It takes months to make that movie which you covered in just a few hours! Or how do your favorite singers keep singing so well continuously at a concert? Sounds like a lot of hard work doesn’t it? Well, it is. So, how do your favorite celebrities manage to pull all of the tireless and long hours of work and still come out looking as gorgeous and full of life as ever? Well, the secret is in their sleep schedules. Most of the famous celebrities follow their own sleep rules which they claim work for them. We can divide them into the following categories:
1. The Sleep Believers
A lot of celebrities believe that sleep is essential for their career and physical appearance. Jennifer Lopez, regardless of being a mother to twins, swears by 8 hours of sleep daily. She claims that sleep is very essential for her beauty and considers getting enough sleep as taking care of her health while looking after her family. The gorgeous Gywneth Paltrow sleeps for beauty. On the program Ask Dr. Brandt aired on Sirius XM Radio, she reportedly said that “I don’t always get it and when I don’t, I look like I’ve been hit by a truck.” Though we doubt she could ever look like that, it still puts emphasis on how important sleep is to her. When it comes to sleep lovers, Mariah Carey takes it to a whole different level. The singer told Interview magazine in the year 2007 that “I’ve got to sleep 15 hours to sing the way I want to”. The singer also sleeps with around 20 humidifiers to make it into a kind of a steam sleep room. Matthew McConaughey sleeps a fixed 8 and a half hour per night and to make sure that he performs to the best of his abilities the next day. If he gets less, he believes that his performance is not as good as it is when he’s had his fixed 8 and half hours of sleep. Heidi’s secret to looking gorgeous is going to bed around the time children get in bed. Heidi gets 10 hours of sleep daily and makes getting sleep her top most priority. Next, we have the successful celebrities who get less than 7 hours of sleep daily because they don’t have “time” to sleep. They consider us sleep lovers, suckers and can’t seem to get enough of expanding their empire. Well some of them are workaholics while the rest are just insomniacs. 1. The Insomniacs and Workaholics Martha Stewart is among those celebrities who feel that there isn’t enough time to get things done in one day. She rises before dawn and gets a mere 4 hours of sleep every night. Donald Trump (okay, so he’s not a Hollywood celebrity but his “The Apprentice” was famous) is also one of the members of the “sleep is for suckers” gang and a workaholic. He sleeps a mere 3 hours every night. His short sleep cycle lasts for 3 hours and his long one lasts for 4 hours. After getting only that much sleep, I wouldn’t blame him for being like that! Grey’s Anatomy star Justin Chambers suffer from insomnia. The parent of 5 had to get help from the psychiatric ward of UCLA Medical Center in the year 2008 because of getting only an hour of sleep every week! Other famous stars who suffer from insomnia and get less sleep are Rihanna, Eminem, George Clooney and Lady Gaga. Then we have the category which chooses to “invest” in their sleep. These celebrities are willing to go to any length to make sure they get the proper shut eye experience.
2. The Sleep Worshippers There are celebrities who love sleeping in luxury, like Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. This celebrity couple recently brought a Royal State Savoir Bed worth £125,000! 1 Whew! These expensive beds are made from Mongolian horse hair, carded Virgin Lamb’s wool and cashmere. Oprah, Elton John and Madonna are also included in the list of celebrities who own these luxurious and expensive Royal State Savoir beds. That just shows how much these celebrities value their sleep. These celebrities aren’t the only ones who spent a lavish amount on beds and mattresses to set their sleep schedule straight. Emma Thomson, the Oscar winning actress believes that Savoir Mattresses helped cure her insomnia. 2 Sleeping for around 15 hours, sleeping less than 4 hours or sleeping in million dollar beds, each of these celebrities have their own sleep schedule and sleep ritual. For us regulars, though we cannot afford to sleep on a Savoir mattress, we can find a regular one which helps us get comfortable in bed and think about whether we want to become the next singing sensation like Mariah Carey or build a huge empire like Trump by getting only 3 hours of sleep daily. I think the former sounds better.
About Author
Eugene Gabriel is a passionate blogger. He has always been fascinated by
sleep and how it relates to health and wellness. Read his post on Types of Sleepers.
You can follow him on twitter @eugenegabrielj.
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