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5 Easiest Ways to Relieve Muscle Tension

Ways to Relieve Muscle Tension
Written by Collins Nwokolo

Most people experience muscle tension sooner or later in life. Muscle tension can come as a result of being under too much stress for a more extended period, or simply as a side effect of working out too hard. Whatever the scenario might be, it is certain that muscle tension can be quite painful and uncomfortable. Some of the most common symptoms of tense muscles are the feeling of tightness and sharp pain. Unfortunately, if the problem is not addressed on time and left untreated, it is possible that the symptoms may become even worse. Luckily, there are numerous ways to relieve muscle tension and restore mobility to the muscles. Here are a few natural remedies that will certainly help you out.

Ways to Relieve Muscle Tension

5 Ways to Relieve Muscle Tension


1. Practice yoga daily

Ways to Relieve Muscle Tension

One of the first things that anyone should do to alleviate muscle tension is to learn how to relax and breathe. Even though this might seem easier said than done, it is one of the most helpful things one can do in this situation. A great way to totally relax the body and mind is to take up yoga. Yoga is excellent for keeping the mind focused and the body flexible. Nevertheless, you do not need to spend a lot of money on fancy classes, because there are a lot of tutorials found on the internet that will guide you. So, put on your favourite yoga pants and grab a bottle of water! Opt for a relaxing yoga session in the morning or do some flexibility exercises before going to bed. Just make sure that you take it easy. Not only does practising yoga daily help lengthen and stretch out aching muscles, but it also helps improve posture.

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2. Avoid certain foods

It is common knowledge that certain food staples cause inflammation in our body. Some of the most notorious allergens are dairy products, soy, wheat, sugar, and red meat. By eating less of these inflammatory foods (or better yet, eliminating them from our diets), muscle tension will slowly fade away. For example, sugar and trans fats cause reactions in the body that do more harm than good. Instead, focus on drinking plenty of water and eating as many veggies and fruits as you can. Frequently, muscle tension might worsen if the person is dehydrated and is lacking in essential minerals, such as potassium. Also, a lot of people claim that tart cherry juice does wonder for muscle tension and pain. Because cherries are an antioxidant powerhouse and possess anti-inflammatory properties, it is not a surprise that drinking cherry juice is a favourite of athletes. Of course, look for an organic cherry juice that does not contain any added sugars.


3. Look into massage therapy

Ways to Relieve Muscle Tension

Massage therapy is one of the most popular alternative remedies that is said to be effective against muscle tension and muscle pain. It is effective because the massage addresses the muscle tension directly which helps with releasing the contraction. Two of the most popular types of massages are Swedish massages and deep tissue massages. The latter is especially beneficial for people who suffer from deep muscle tension. If you do not want to splurge on a massage therapist or chiropractor, then investing in a set of premium massage chairs is the best way to go. Enjoy in a luxurious, high-end massage that uses the body’s shiatsu points. By getting your hands on a quality massage chair, you are sure to get rid of annoying muscle tension from the comfort of your home, whenever you feel like it.

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4. Take a hot bath

How to Relieve Muscle Tension

There is nothing as relaxing than getting home after a stressful day at work, drawing a bubble bath and sipping on some fine red wine. Sometimes, taking a hot bath is just what your aching muscle need. As a matter of fact, the hot water is extremely beneficial for the body, because it helps loosen the muscle fibres and it also soothes the nervous system. Some people like to add different healing substances into the bath, such as Epsom salt, which is amazing for lessening lactic acid build up in the sore muscles. Others prefer investing in some essential oils, such as lavender or lemongrass. Lemongrass is an excellent oil that is great for improving blood circulation, while also relieving muscle spasms.


5. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a traditional alternative treatment therapy that has been practiced among many people worldwide for centuries.  Acupuncture is an ancient practice and it involves the use of tiny, thin needles which are inserted through the skin in various specific, and strategic locations.

Acupuncture is a great way to relieve muscle tension because, it improves relaxation of the muscles.

It’s enhances the blood circulation, releases endorphins which decrease pain and helps the muscles to relax. All these results in improved range of mobility, function and performance for the muscles.

Look out for a certified acupuncture provider to help you with it.



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In summary, everyone experiences a bit of muscle tension now and then, and it is important to make sure to act on time. If left unattended, the tension might worsen. The bottom line is, make sure to get your body moving and learn how to relax!

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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