Healthy Living & Wellness

Infographic: 10 Signs Your Parents Need Home Care

Are you planning to visit your parents after a long time? If yes, then you, like all other adult children of elderly people are worrying about their health and safety. You want to know if they are able to manage their everyday activities or struggling with it and need help. It may happen that you may not notice anything unusual during your visit. Keep your eyes open so that you can spot some clues that suggest that your parents need help. Here are a few gestures you can make that’ll help you understand if something is affecting your parents.

Signs Your Parents Need Home Care

1. Give Your Parents A Hug – By giving your parents a hug, you can determine if they are suffering from:

  • Sudden Weight Gain Or Loss: Anything starting from depression to dementia may lead to unusual weight loss. Diabetes and dementia results in sudden weight gains. Dementia is short-term memory loss for which elders are not able to remember whether they have eaten or not. This affects their sudden changes in weight.
  • Extreme frailty:  It’s noteworthy if you can feel a change in someone’s stature and strength just from a hug. Pay attention to your parents’ movements. If they are constantly shaking and losing balance, you should think of getting them help.
  • Increased Body Odor: Reasons for increased body odor can vary from memory loss which is making them forget bathing daily, to extreme weakness. If you find your parents’ appearance grubby, there’s a high possibility that they need help in taking care of themselves.


2. Go Through Their Mail: By going through their mails you’ll be able to find:

  • Unopened Letters and Bills: There can be junk mails. However, mails referring unpaid bills and important events being unopened refer to the fact that your parents need help.
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3. Take A Drive With Your Parents:  Take a drive with your parents. Make sure you have your mom/dad behind the driving wheel and look for the following:

  • Dents And Scratches On the Car: Before going on a drive with your parents, check out the car thoroughly. You may find that the car has dents and scratches on it. This suggests that your parents are facing troubles while driving.
  • Preoccupied And Distraction-Prone Mind: While your mom or dad is driving, check if they are finding it difficult to talk while driving. Also look if they are able to concentrate on the roads and traffic norms.

SEE ALSO: 8 Common Health Issues That May Trouble You in Old Age

If you find your parents facing difficulties while driving, you should think of taking driving services for them. If you find your parents are finding it difficult to take care of themselves, you should consider getting them help. Check out the below infographic 123 HomeCare for more information.

Author Bio: Brandon Shamis has been a core part of 123homecares he is handling the role of operation head. 123 home cares is one of the best and most trusted non-medical home care companies we focus on delivering the highest quality of care in the easiest and most convenient way possible. Author image: Infographic Embed code:

Ten Signs Your Parents Need Homecare

Image courtesy: 123HomeCares

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Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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