Healthcare Kids Health Parenting

Caring for a Profoundly Sick Child – Making Life Easier

Caring for a Sick Child
Written by Guest Author

A child may be born with complex needs immediately from birth, and these conditions can vary from each individual and be associated with both mental and physical impairments. These impairments may also occur later in life, after an accident or illness which triggers another condition. Although the children may have one or more conditions relating to physical disability, impaired learning, sensory or immune deficiency, every parent wants to provide the best care to their child. Read ahead for supportive information regarding caring for a sick child.

Seek Support

Maintaining a social circle with other parents with children who have complex needs can deliver a world of empathy that comes with shared experiences. Swapping information and building a community of support and communication can really alleviate the stress and isolation parents can feel when caring for a profoundly sick child.

Get a Confirmed Diagnosis

If you haven’t already, visit a medical professional to examine your child. While this may seem an unnecessary step for some, or a scary one, it is best for your child’s health and is a crucial step in determining the best care for them. Professionals will be up to date on the most recent research for your child’s specific condition, and will have the resources to inform you further and direct you into the best methods for managing their care.

Caring for a Sick Child

Obtain Quality Equipment

If your child needs regular healthcare treatment, you may find yourself requiring specialist equipment. These can include beds, glasses, wheelchairs and mobility apparatus – but can also include hoists and aids for using bathroom facilities and ensuring you can help them maintain hygiene whilst reducing the risk of falls and injury (for both child and parent). These should be purchased from trusted sources such as Medication and the tools to administer them are also necessary to acquire for the daily routine dictated by the needs of your child – creating rituals around these can make them more fun and comfortable for your child, and help you integrate them better into your daily lives.

Try and Find a Balance

As a parent, balancing your work life with your responsibilities as a parent is important to strike to ensure you can give the right attention to both. Your social life is also an important contributor to your mental health, and should not be neglected. We recommend looking into employing a qualified carer to help alleviate the strain that often occurs if possible, or informing family members of the care you provide to give yourself the occasional rest. Encouraging socialisation with your child’s peers is also important for their health, and can provide an extra source of fun alongside the seriousness of daily care.

It is important to put your mental health as another priority alongside your child’s in order to build a good relationship between you. Getting quality sleep may be difficult if you worry over your child, but giving yourself time to work through your thoughts and have a good state of mental and emotional well-being will make you feel better and care for your child more confidently. We hope this article provided relevant and helpful information to reassure yourself as a parent.

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