Healthcare Mental & Emotional Health

5 Facts And Myths About Seeing A Psychologist Online

Seeking an Online Psychologist
Written by Collins Nwokolo

With many people today suffering from the adverse effects of depression, things get more intense and ultimately worse. While many psychologists are ready to help, it is unfortunate that therapy remains a taboo topic. The major problem comes from several myths that persist and end up giving this valuable thing a bad reputation. Such misunderstandings prevent individuals from seeking assistance and getting better. Much of what people know about psychology comes from media or movies. This is highly inaccurate, which leads to misguided thoughts about therapy. This article reveals the facts and myths behind online therapy.


5 Facts And Myths About Seeing A Psychologist Online

Seeking an Online Psychologist

1. Myth: Therapy is meant for individuals with severe problems.

Fact: People have confidence in seeking therapy once diagnosed

therapy once diagnosed with any mental disorder. While studies show that most individuals wait for an extended time before looking for help (which contributes to the worsening state of their mental health), a large portion of people seek out therapy even for minor issues. The reality is people have many reasons to see therapists, not only for severe issues. Never be ashamed you’d like to feel better, no matter how big or small your issues are.


2. Myth: Psychotherapists are after money.

Fact: Therapists certainly don’t do it for the money, as the average therapist salary is less than $50,000/year.

Obviously, they would pick another profession if they were in it for the money. Of course, anybody who wants cash can go to business or law school as an alternative to learning psychotherapy. The individual who succeeds in this type of work profoundly respects humanity and is generally never driven by dollars. A psychologist is not among the highest paying healthcare professions in 2019.


3. Myth: Therapy is all about common knowledge.

Fact: You will hear people say that therapy is worthless since every therapist repeats common knowledge.

But, in reality, while therapists do use common knowledge within therapy sessions as it is an insight that relates to all, counseling also provides awareness. Additionally, therapy is multi faceted and uses emotions, which is extremely different than common knowledge or common sense.


4. Myth: You do not need therapy if you can talk to friends.

Fact: Support from the right friends in your society is believed to be a substitute for therapy. Sure, getting social support is vital when someone is super stressed.

From the relationships, you will find invaluable love, care and wisdom but therapy differs lot. For obvious reasons, therapists have enough training and practice on ways to diagnose emotional, social health and interactive issues. You can’t compare this to the continuing discussions of your problems with your peers. Censoring yourself, since you never wish to hurt feelings or show yourself as a bad one during conversations, might affect you. On the other hand, you are able to be completely open with a professional therapist, which in it of itself makes the sessions worthwhile.


5. Myth: Therapy means a lot of expenses.

Fact: Well, the costs stop many individuals from pursuing therapy.

The truth is you will get a range of fees from different community clinics and private practices. Besides, some consultants offer sliding prices depending on a client’s income. But the gains from investing in this makes it worth considering the professional to help you work on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors entirely. Moreover, with the rise of online therapy, you need not to worry about costs. You can find plans that cost less than $200 per month. This is a far cry from the average cost of $150 per session in an office setting.


Generally, you need to keep in mind that therapists are different. When you are not comfortable with a specific practitioner, seek another. Shopping around will help you smartly find the right and qualified therapist for you. The Psychologist directory via E-counseling can help you find a local therapist in your area at very affordable rates.

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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