Mental & Emotional Health

5 Important Mental Health Tips for Gamers

Mental Health Tips for Gamers
Written by Collins Nwokolo

Gaming has become a popular leisure activity for millions of people around the world. It positively impacts your mental health when played in moderation. Gaming also helps connect you with like-minded friends and makes you feel good. It can be a way to unwind from the stress of the day.

While it provides entertainment and a way to socialize with others, it can also present some mental health challenges for players.

When gaming becomes excessive, it becomes dangerous to mental health. Spending long hours in front of a screen, dealing with toxic online communities, and experiencing intense emotions while playing can all take a toll on a gamer’s mental well-being.

Therefore, it is important for gamers to prioritize their mental health in order to continue enjoying their hobby and to avoid negative consequences.

When you begin to notice that you feel irritated or unhappy when you haven’t played a video game, be careful because you might be crossing over to addiction.

Excessive gaming can lead to a lot of mental health issues, such as

Every gamer must observe some health tips to create a balance between their mental health and their gaming. Below are the major health tips for gamers.

5 Mental Health Tips for Gamers

Here are some tips and strategies that gamers can use to maintain their mental health and well-being while engaging in their favorite pastime:

1. Join a positive community

Research shows that connecting with people that love playing the same game as you, or are interested in the same games helps you to create and build positive relationships.  

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As an internet gamer, be careful not to fall into the hands of those who exhibit toxic behavior, such as racism, sexism, and harassment.

A study by Unity showed that 68% of players have experienced toxic behavior, and 72% have experienced toxic behavior toward others when playing multiplayer video games. So get connected to a community of people that will motivate you and not drag you down.

2. Choose suitable games

Another effective mental health tip for gamers is choosing the right game. When a choosing game, go for the ones that can cause you anxiety when playing. If a game makes you feel worse when playing, leave the game alone. It isn’t a suitable game for you.

An interview on gaming and chronic illness showed that people experience games in different ways. What might be fun for you might not be for the other person! So, figuring out the suitable game for yourself is a personal thing.

3. Create time to relieve stress

Playing video games can relieve stress but can cause stress. Create time to stay from your games. Put down your gaming gear, stay away from the screen, and relax your body and mind.

Do something you like, such as meditating, dancing, swimming, walking on the beach, spending time in nature, or jogging. Typically, it should be something that takes you off the screen and helps your body to relax.

Researchers have shown that gaming might burn a lot of calories, but it is required for you to carry other some physical activity. 

Furthermore, it is also vital that you take breaks to give your mind a chance to relax and recover. Try taking a 10-15 minute break every hour or so to stretch your legs and clear your mind.

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4. Get adequate sleep

Get off your game at least an hour before bedtime to help your body relax properly. Instead of staying awake all night, put it down and sleep.

Good sleep habits reduce stress levels. When you don’t sleep, you feel tired and stressed. This might develop into insomnia. Insomnia affects your mental health and might cause serious health issues.

5. Be careful of gaming addiction

Beware of gaming addiction. Gaming addiction is a real thing and might affect your health negatively. There are things you should look out for to avoid you crossing over the road to addiction. They are as follows:

  • Feeling depressed when you haven’t played or can’t play
  • Being unable to stop playing
  • Stay away from real-life responsibilities to play games
  • Spending almost your time thing and playing gaming.

When this happens, it’s important to set boundaries around your gaming habits to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy balance in your life. This might mean limiting your gaming time or taking breaks from gaming altogether.


Gaming is enjoyable but can be strenuous to mental health when played excessively. Creating a balance between gaming and your mental health should be your priority if you want to maintain effective mental health. These mental health tips for gamers can help you a lot.

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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