Although the rate of male health awareness has increased over the past few years, many men still leave health and routine exams aside. According to Dr. Massimo Colombini, a specialist in Medicine of the Docway Family, there are five axes of care that every man should have, “These are simple tips, but many men leave that care aside on a day-to-day basis, which leads to serious problems over time. Testosteronerd will give you the tips about Men’s Health and useful remedies.
Important Health Tips for Men’s Health

Important health tips for men’s health
1. Water Intake
The intake of water recommended amounts is extremely important since the human body is made up of 74% of it. “Water is necessary for the metabolism of each of the 70 trillion cells we have in the human body.
We need water to perform the gas exchange of respiration. The human body uses water so that the kidney can eliminate waste from metabolism.
Our body uses water for intestinal transit. We have water in all joints and vertebral columns to protect them from friction with other bones Synovial fluid. Virtually all physiological functions depend on water to occur. When we eat less than the amount used by the body (between 1.5 and 3 liters), several diseases begin to appear.
2. Stress Management
Another important factor in disease prevention is stress level control. A study by researcher Kelly McGonigal (2013) shows that the occurrence of high levels of stress increases by 43% the occurrence of deaths among people who believe that stress is harmful to health. You can learn how to manage your stress effectively.
However, people who understand the stress response as a natural reaction of the body, have the lowest rates of death. “That is, the way we view stress influences will lead to the occurrence of deaths as a result of it. I often ask patients how we can control stress and ask them to relate ways to deal with stressful situations with music, physical activities, yoga, meditation.
3. Regular Physical Activity
According to Robert Waldinger, one of the researchers responsible for Harvard’s largest study of happiness, which has followed 724 adults for more than 75 years, the quality of interpersonal relationships we have developed during our lifetime is directly linked to health. This involves improving our social health.
People more satisfied with life as a result of interpersonal relationships presented better health conditions and fewer risks or problems with diseases.
4. Interpersonal Relationships
Another critical point for a better quality of life is related to our food care. For the physician, the human being needs to relearn to eat not only healthier foods, but rather taking into consideration the quantities necessary for the physiology of his body.
This difficulty that many have in losing weight, for example, is directly linked to what they learn to eat during childhood. Therefore, it is important to make children aware of their diet very early. Last but not least, in addition to the basic health care mentioned above, the doctor recalls the importance of preventive exams and routine appointments. Many men fail to take care of their health, attach little importance to periodic and preventive examinations, while this type of attitude needs to change since medicine has advanced a great deal and can be done to prevent diseases and complications, with a great impact on the quality of life and in the whole family.