Mental & Emotional Health

8 Important Mental Health Tips For Exams

Mental Health Tips For Exams
Written by Collins Nwokolo

Exams are a time of high stress and anxiety for many people. The pressure to perform well can be immense, and that can take a toll on students’ mental health. Some of the most common mental health problems in students are Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, behavior problems, and depression. Many medical studies have suggested that exams can adversely affect the mental health of students.

However, there are some things you can do to help yourself stay mentally healthy and hopefully even perform better! Here are eight mental health tips for exams.

1. Get enough sleep the night before an exam

This is one of the best ways to keep your mental health in good shape. 

Getting adequate sleep is one of the essential things you can do before a test. Studies have shown that students who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to perform poorly on their exams because they are not rested and cannot concentrate properly. 

It also affects mood and emotions, which may be a factor in how someone performs on an exam. So take these last few weeks before the stress of finals hits to make sure you’re getting enough rest each night!

2. Exercise regularly

Endorphins are released when you exercise, and they may make you feel happy and enhance your mood. 

Exercise is a great way to help you relax and get your mind off things, especially during the exam period. 

It releases stress hormones in the body and can also boost energy levels. Getting into a routine of exercising regularly will actually make it easier for you to cope with stressful situations like exams because it builds up both physical and mental strength. 

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There are many types of exercise that suit different people, like running, tennis or table tennis – find one that suits you best.

3. Eat well

Make sure you’re getting lots of fruits and vegetables as these provide nutrients to help with concentration and focus. 

It can be tempting to grab a takeaway from the nearest cafe when feeling genuinely hungry before an exam – or during one if you feel like a break – after all, who doesn’t love fried chicken? 

But this will only leave you feeling worse afterwards and won’t provide any sustenance for getting through the rest of the day. Eating well is essential in this situation. Furthermore, you should beat foods that increase your mood.

4. Have short breaks between study sessions

It’s been a rough few weeks for you, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. We’re coming up on your exams, and it will all be over soon. 

The key to success? Taking breaks between study sessions. This may seem counterintuitive, but if you space out your studying into shorter chunks with short breaks in-between, you’ll find that not only do you retain more information, but you also get less tired from the process. 

Mental Health Tips For Exams

5. Learn the art of saying ‘NO’

Trying to balance work, social life, and studying is difficult. It’s even more difficult when it comes to exams.

No matter your situation or how well you think you’ve planned, there will always be something that pops up at the last minute requiring your attention.

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However, this doesn’t mean that you have to say yes to everything.

As hard as it may sometimes seem, saying NO is an important part of managing time and prioritizing tasks to get done.

6. Take care of your physical and mental well-being

We must take care of both our mental and physical well-being, so here are some tips on doing just that.

First off – drink water! It doesn’t have any calories but will refresh you from your busy day. 

If you’re feeling guilty about not eating anything all day, try snacking on fruit or vegetables rather than junk food that will only leave you feeling more tired later in the evening. 

7. Find someone you can trust to talk about exam worries with

Do you have someone you can talk to about your exam worries? If not, find one. 

Talking to a trusted person about what is going on and how it makes you feel can help relieve some of the pressure and anxiety that comes with exams, and just being able to share what’s going on in your life with somebody who will listen without judgment. 

Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for support, whether this is a friend or family member. 

Mental health doesn’t need to be such a lonely thing – there are always people around who care!

8. Engage in any exciting activities

The stress of exams can be overwhelming. It’s important to remember that it is okay to take a break and do something that makes you happy. 

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I would recommend taking some time for yourself, whether going on a walk with your dog or just sitting down for ten minutes to read a favourite book. 

If things are really bad, please talk to someone about how you’re feeling – don’t suffer in silence.

Many people will listen and offer help if they know the situation is serious enough. 

You deserve all the happiness you can get during this tough time, so go out there and have fun.


After reading this blog post, you should better understand how your brain works and what strategies will help you ace exams. 

If the tips we’ve provided don’t work for you or if they’re not enough, it may be time to get professional assistance from a psychologist who specializes in cognitive behavioural therapy. 

Remember that while achieving success is important – so is taking care of yourself! We hope these mental health tips have helped; please let us know any other ways to improve exam performance.

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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