Sleep Health

The Sleep Debt Calculator: 3 Ways It can help You Get Better sleep

The sleep debt calculator
Written by Collins Nwokolo

Let’s take a ‘Goldilocks’ approach to your sleeping patterns. Would you say you don’t sleep enough, get just enough sleep, or sleep far too much?

The new Sleep Debt Calculator by Furniture Village can help you find the answer. Part of their 24-Hour Sleep Guide, the retailer’s Sleep Debt Calculator considers your age, bedtime, wake-up time and lifestyle habits to calculate whether or not you’re getting the right amount of sleep.

As their guide explains, under or over-sleeping could wreak havoc with your physical and mental wellbeing. Fortunately, Furniture Village has enlisted some experts to help us figure out where we might be going wrong – and how to change things around.

Based on their information, we’ve found out three major reasons why you might not be sleeping properly, with tips to help you get a more restful, fulfilling sleep.

The sleep debt calculator

1. Can’t seem to fall asleep? Your diet might be to blame.

The 24-Hour Sleep Guide says eating and sleeping are linked, so if you’re having trouble sleeping, you might want to examine what you eat, and when. According to nutritionist Libby Limon, “what we eat during the day can influence our sleep.”

She says some food and drink can make us feel sleepy, while others can stimulate us awake. So, time your intake of these foods so you’re awake when you want to be and can sleep when you need to.

Sugar and refined carbohydrates, caffeine and alcohol can all keep us awake, while almonds, avocados, cherries, spinach, egg whites and turkey all provide the nutrients we need to sleep soundly.


2. Too many distractions keeping you up? Here are some tips to help.

Modern society might be the reason behind some of your sleeping troubles. In this fast-paced, always-on world with constant digital distractions, it’s no wonder your mind is too busy to switch off, and your body too stressed and anxious to sleep.

Sleep expert Lisa Artis has some tips to help you nod off:

  • Make sure your bed is comfortable: get a new mattress and choose the right bedding.
  • Sleep in a dark room: this stimulates the release of sleep hormone melatonin.
  • Choose calming colours and scents: pastels, blue and green work, as do lavender and geranium.
  • Switch off tech: spend at least two hours before bedtime tech-free.
  • Declutter: a messy room is difficult to drift off in.


3. Keep waking up in the middle of the night? Trick your brain back to sleep.

If you don’t have trouble getting to sleep but still find yourself waking up halfway through the night, there are some things you can do to help yourself get back to the land of Nod. Lisa Artis recommends going to a dimly lit room to read a book or listen to relaxing music, or to have a warm, milky drink or chamomile tea.

She also suggests writing down any thoughts that might be keeping you up and using deep breathing techniques to relax into sleep. “Don’t try to find sleep,” she adds, “it needs to find you.” So, tell yourself you’re okay with being awake and you might just bring sleep right to your door.

The sleep debt calculator

With the tips above, hopefully, you’re in a better position to get a more fulfilling, relaxed sleep. If not, Furniture Village’s 24-Hour Sleep Guide has plenty more tips, advice and information to help.

Don’t forget to start with their Sleep Debt calculator to find out just where you stand when it comes to sleep.


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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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