Healthy Living & Wellness Sleep Health

15 Proven Tips To Help You Sleep Better At Night

15 Proven Tips To Help You Sleep Better At Night
Written by Collins Nwokolo

What is just as important as regular exercise and a healthy diet? It’s a good night rest!
Researchers have proven that poor sleep can affect hormones, brain function and even exercise negatively. Poor sleep can also cause unhealthy weight gain, increased susceptibility to diseases and reduced concentration.
In fact, many people regularly get poor sleep!
However, getting a good night rest is not the same as going to bed early. Here are 15 proven tips to help you sleep better at night.


15 Tips To Help You Sleep Better At Night

15 Proven Tips To Help You Sleep Better At Night

1. Allocate enough time for sleep

It is important to allocate enough time for sleep when planning your schedule. Getting a good night sleep means getting at least 6 to 7 hours per day. Young children should sleep for at least 8 hours.

2. Have consistent sleep habits

Since human beings are habitual creatures, we tend to be more successful when following routines. Stick to a specific time for sleeping, and you’ll discover consistency will make it easier to get a good night rest! There are so many ways to improve your sleep patterns, you should know of.

3. Don’t consume caffeine late in the day

Caffeine has numerous benefits when consumed. A single dose of caffeine enhances the body’s metabolism, energy, and sports performance. Since caffeine can remain in the blood for 6-8 hours, it is not recommended to drink caffeine after 3-4 p.m. Consuming caffeine late at night will stimulate your nervous system and this will prevent your body from naturally relaxing when it is late.

4. Avoid alcohol

Consuming alcohol at night can affect the quality of your sleep. Alcohol has been identified to increase sleep apnea, disrupted sleep patterns and snoring. Avoid drinking alcohol before going to bed as it can reduce the production of melatonin. Melatonin is an essential sleep hormone that signals your brain when it’s time to relax and sleep.

5. Check your bedroom’s temperature

Warmer temperatures immensely affect sleep quality negatively. In fact, studies have found out that your bedroom’s temperature affects sleep quality even more than external noise. Lower temperatures are better when you’re trying to get good sleep. However, experiment with different temperatures to see what suits you best.


6. Take a refreshing shower

Taking a shower is another popular way to get quality sleep. It helps people especially the elderly fall asleep faster. It is also another good way to relax after a hectic day.

7. Reduce your consumption of fluids before bed.

Excessive urination during the night is medically referred to as Nocturia. It also affects sleep quality adversely. Though hydration is critical, reducing your fluid intake in the evening will help a lot. You should also urinate before going to bed to reduce the number of times you’ll wake in the night.

8. Get yourself a comfortable bed and pillow

Do you know why people sleep better in hotels? It’s because the beds there are very comfortable. Uncomfortable beds will cause backaches, shoulder pain, and reduced sleep.
Get yourself a more comfortable and see your sleep quality increase drastically.

9. Optimize your bedroom environment

Your bedroom environment is a crucial factor in getting a good night rest. You should focus more on the lights and noise. Noise, especially from traffic, can disrupt your sleep. You would also want to eliminate external lights. Your bedroom should be dim, clean and quiet at night.

10. Stop smoking

Nicotine is a stimulant present in cigarettes. Nicotine makes it difficult for smokers to sleep and it makes them wake up frequently at night. So if you’re trying to sleep better, you should stop smoking.

11. Clear your thoughts

It’s going to be hard for you to get quality sleep if you are worried. Trying writing down your problems and how you intend to solve them. Afterward, organize your thoughts and go to bed. Clearing up your thoughts, is a good way to manage stress and sleep better.

12. Use music

Listening to soothing music is a good way to relax your body before bed. Just be careful about your choice of music, you don’t want to listen to songs that’ll make you dance or jump! They are so many other health benefits of listening to music, you should know too.

13. Check your medications

If you are on drugs, you should discuss with your doctor about their side effects. Some drugs affect your sleep. You can find out if some medications you are taking are causing you to lose sleep.

14. See a doctor

Sometimes, the cause of poor sleep might be an underlying health condition. You should see a doctor if you have tried different methods and you’re not getting quality sleep. Remember, poor sleep will affect your health adversely in the long run.

15. Do what works best for you

Finally and most importantly, humans are habitual creatures. You should stick to whatever routine works best for you!

These are some of the best tips to help you sleep better at night. Do well to follow them and you’ll not only enjoy better sleep, but also live a healthier life!

Do you know any tip to get a good night rest, please share it with us in the comments?

Author’s Bio

Medical student, part-time blogger. 
Israel is an ambitious young Nigerian who enjoys studying and blogging. He blogs at where he creates useful content on his blog during his free time!

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

1 Comment

  • Thanx for this post. I’m suffering from the sleeping disorder for a long time so this article is very helpful for me. Thanx for sharing this information. Keep it up.

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