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What are the Types, Causes and Symptoms of Hair Loss?

Hair loss can affect anyone – women, men, and children. If one experiences excessive hair loss from scalp then this condition is known as baldness. Some people let their baldness untreated, but others may find it awkward. Hence, they look for treatments available to combat hair loss and to restore new hair growth.

Before pursuing treatment for hair loss, it is beneficial to gain knowledge about its types and symptoms. So, read this post to know about various types and symptoms of hair loss.


Types of Hair Loss
If you shed 50 to 100 hairs in one day then this is normal. It is because new hair is growing simultaneously. However, if you shed hair but new hairs are not growing then this can result in baldness. Based on the cause of hair loss, some common types of hair loss are as follows:

1. Temporary Hair Loss – This type of hair loss can occur because of hormonal imbalances. One may experience hormonal changes due to childbirth, pregnancy, or medical condition, like thyroid problems.

2. Patchy Hair Loss – It is a non-scarring hair loss scientifically known as alopecia areata. People with the weak immune system can experience damaged hair follicles. This results in sudden hair loss that leaves roundish, smooth patches on the scalp skin

3. Scalp Infections Hair Loss – This form of hair loss occurs when a person experiences scalp infections, like ringworm. Such infections invade the scalp skin and hair. Eventually, they may lead to scaly patches and loss of hair. Once infections are cured, hair grows back

4. Trichotillomania Hair Loss – This type of hair loss occurs because of the hair-pulling disorder. This disorder causes individuals an irresistible urge to pull their own hair. As a result, hair follicles get damaged and new hairs are not able to grow

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5. Permanent Hair Loss – There are few diseases that can lead to permanent hair loss. Conditions like lupus, sarcoidosis, cancer, and lichen planus can lead to permanent hair loss.

Hair loss can be of different types, depending on its cause. It can occur suddenly or gradually. Knowing the hair loss symptoms can help with early diagnosis and treatment of the condition.

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Symptoms of Hair Loss


  • Thinning of Hair on Top of Head – This symptom is common to both men and women. In men, it begins from the forehead line. In women, the hairline alongside the forehead is retained, but experiences broadening of a part in their hair.
  • Formation of Patchy, Circular Spots – If you are experiencing hair loss because of scalp infections then you will notice small, coin-sized spots on the scalp. These are known as bald spots. Such spots usually occur on the scalp, but in some, they may also occur on eyebrows and beard. If the situation gets worse, then one may feel irritation and itchiness before a hair falls out.
  • Sudden Hair Loss – An emotional distress or trauma can lead to hair loss. Such hair loss is sudden. During this condition handful of hair may come out when you wash or comb your hair. This form of hair fall results in thinning of hair but does not cause any bald spots.
  • Hair Loss of the Full Body – There are some medical conditions, which can lead to full body hair loss. For example, chemotherapy for cancer is one such example. During this condition, there is a loss of hair from all over the body. Once the condition is completed then the hair usually grows back.
  • Scaling Patches Spread Over the Scalp – This symptom occurs when you experience hair loss because of a major scalp infection like ringworm. This symptom may be accompanied by redness, broken hair, swelling, and at times itchiness.

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Causes of Hair Loss


Hair loss may occur because of one or more factors like:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Family History or Heredity
  • Medical Conditions
  • Side-Effect from a Medication

While these are some common causes of hair loss, the problem can occur from other sources, like:

  1. Radiation Therapy – The radiation treatment of the scalp may cause severe hair loss. Also, the hair may not grow back like before.
  2. Emotional Shock – Many individuals can experience general thinning of hair because of an emotional shock. Such a situation results in temporary hair loss. High fever, excessive loss of weight, surgery, or death of someone closed may result in hair loss.
  3. Hairstyles and Treatments – If you excessively use hairstyling or hair treatment products then this results in problems, like pigtails. This may result in temporary or permanent hair loss, depending on the damage.

If you are suffering from severe hair loss then it is best to consult a doctor immediately. Your doctor will suggest you with appropriate treatments and preventive measures to combat the hair loss problem to the best possible extent.

Meanwhile, there is a VERY EFFECTIVE dietary supplement that can give you thicker, stronger and healthier hair. This supplement is called Foligen. It doesn’t just enhance hair growth, it also prevents hair breakage. I advise you to get this supplement and keep you hair healthy. GET FOLIGEN NOW!

Thanks for reading

Author Bio :
 Yuan Chen is a Manager at T1Hairs- Peruvian Hair Extension Company.
He has more than 6 years of experience in Hairdressing Industry.

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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