Healthy Eating

Which Nuts Are Safe To Feed Your Dog?

Which Nuts Are Safe To Feed Your Dog?
Written by Collins Nwokolo

Have you ever shared your food with your dog? Of course, you have. Because we as humans have a natural tendency to share most of our things with dogs and food tops that list. But are you sure every food item that you share with your dog is safe? Especially nuts! Maybe some of you already know the answer to this question, but this post will be helpful for dog owners who are doubtful about nuts. In fact, it is not wise to serve your dog everything you eat. Because there specific food items that can cause your dog to develop health issues over time. So, let’s see whether dogs can have nuts or not. 

Which Nuts Are Safe To Feed Your Dog?

Can dogs eat nuts?

Unfortunately, not all nuts are safe for your dog. We will get to the nuts that are not safe for your dog. But first, let us talk about the nuts that are safe if given in small quantities. Peanuts are a member of the legume family, and they are safe. Similar is the case with cashews. You can serve the little amount of cashews and peanuts to your dog, but don’t make it a habit. It is a healthy treat but rich in fat. The more your dog eats these nuts, the faster he will gain weight, and sometimes it can also lead to pancreatic issues. 

So, if you think your dog is regularly eating bowls of nuts, it might be a huge problem, and you need to look into it immediately. Call your vet or simply visit the clinic for better guidance. Instead, most of the vets will suggest you to stop feeding nuts to your dog. It might do you a lot of good, but your dogs’ cellular and molecular structure is very different from you. How about restraining yourself from sharing nuts with your furry little friend and instead of getting him used to eating food that is healthy for dogs.

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Which nuts are not safe for your dog?

While not all nuts are bad for your dog’s health, there are two particular nuts that you should not give to your dog – almonds and macadamia. Almonds are still safe if your dog accidentally eats a few, but macadamia is more dangerous. Unchewed or half-chewed almonds will block the esophagus, and salted almonds can prove fatal to dogs with heart diseases. Let us know why and delve a little bit deeper for a better understanding. 

Why almonds are not good for your dog?

The taste of almonds is something your dog can easily get used to. But consuming almonds will cause gastrointestinal issues, so if your dog has accidentally gulped a few almonds accidentally. You need to first look out for the following symptoms: vomiting, loss of appetite, discomfort, lethargy, diarrhea, and gas. Substantially, if you note any of these symptoms, run to a vet. 

Almonds lead to all these dog health problems because, like all the nuts, they are rich in fat. And excess fat is neither good for you nor for your dog. Excessive fat can lead to pancreatic problems, specifically pancreatitis. Swollen pancreas and loss of appetite are two major symptoms of this medical condition in dogs. Not only this, but almonds pose another danger too. Big chunks of almond will block the esophagus in small breeds, and the same might require surgery or prove fatal.  

As far as flavored almonds are concerned, they have their own risks. For example, the flavors can irritate your dog’s stomach, and salt will cause water retention. These two symptoms of almond intake are definitely not good for your pooch. So, keep the almonds at bay for the sake of the health of your dog. 

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Why are macadamia nuts not safe for your dog?

Why are macadamia nuts Not safe for dogs

There two macadamia nuts – macadamia integrifolia in the USA and the macadamia tetraphylla cultivated in Hawaii and Australia. Unfortunately, there is very little evidence on the fatality of this nut. But several vets have reportedly treated dogs after having digested macadamia. This means that it is a tricky little nut that can prove fatal for your emotional support animal. In other words, the toxicity of this nut is unknown, and it is hard to tell why dogs are affected. 

But if your dog accidentally gulps a bunch of these nuts. You should definitely take him to your vet. But first, you need to watch out for these signs. If your dog instantly vomits and behaves unusual, it is quite possible that your dog has been exposed to macadamia. In most clinical diagnosis, the vet will identify the same in the dog’s vomit or feces. There will also be a quick increase in the enzymes present in the liver, but it gradually decreases over a certain period of time. 

In addition to this, if you are looking for a specific medicine to alleviate the symptoms, there is bad news for you. There is no specific antidote, and your dog will recover only under the supervision of a vet. In the process of supervision, the nurse or the vet will give your pooch anti-fever medicines, intravenous fluids, and some pain-relief medication too. Also, if you take good care of your dog’s health, he will recover from the side effects of the infamous macadamia. 

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The final verdict 

In my personal opinion, try and avoid giving nuts to your dog. Especially almonds and macadamia, as mentioned in this post above. There are several other food items that you can your dog can enjoy. Give your dog those food items instead, and more vitally learning to say no to nuts will save you and your dog from a lot of unseen troubles. 

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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