Mental & Emotional Health

5 Amazing Benefits of Online Therapy

Benefits of Online Therapy
Written by Guest Author

The digital world is changing, and there are many great reasons why that’s a good thing. Thanks to the internet, we can now connect with people from all over the world in real-time.

And as much as it can be scary to leave our comfort zone and get acquainted with new people and places, it’s also incredibly liberating.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the benefits of online therapy.

1. Online Therapy Is Affordable

There are so many ways to look at online therapy as a cost-saving venture. While online therapy isn’t going to be cheap, it’s significantly less expensive than in-person therapy – and you get to remain home while you’re doing it.

If you’re the kind of person who doesn’t like to travel for therapy, this is one big perk.

Online therapy is also more affordable than traditional therapy for anyone who lives in an area where access to a therapy office isn’t convenient, like rural areas (or very large cities).

Anyone with a disability will also find online therapy to be extremely reasonable and accessible.

2. Online Therapy Is Accessible Anywhere

While you might feel more connected to your online therapist than you do to your real-life friends and family, that doesn’t mean you’re completely isolated from the outside world.

Online psychiatry is accessible via a computer, smartphone, or tablet, and you can always Skype or FaceTime with your online therapist if you need to see or hear them.

Online therapy provides a level of accessibility that you’re unable to find in in-person therapy. With online therapy, you and your therapist can work on your issues together via video calls and digital messaging whenever you have a few extra minutes to spare.

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You can also schedule online therapy sessions on your schedule without having to take into account other potential conflicts (like school or work schedules).

3. It’s Easier to Self-Help

If you’re looking to get more comfortable with the idea of self-help, online therapy is a great way to get started.

Online therapy means that you don’t have to worry about setting up appointments with a therapist, driving to their office, and wasting time trying to build a rapport that may never happen.

Instead, online therapy lets you work at your own pace and build a relationship that works for you and your schedule.

This is particularly useful if you have a disability – or if you’re a parent or other responsible adult who’s trying to work with a younger person who has a disability.

You can work at your own pace in an accessible way, and you won’t have to worry about driving or talking to a therapist in person that you may not get along with as easily.

4. It Encourages Self-Confidence

If you’re dealing with low self-esteem, online therapy can be a great way to build your self-confidence.

Many people with low confidence find it easier to practice conversations and social skills in front of a mirror, but that can be rather awkward and nerve-wracking.

Online therapy, on the other hand, lets you control the setting and pace of your sessions. You can work on your conversations and social skills whenever you have a few spare minutes and feel comfortable enough to practice.

Plus, you can see and hear your online therapist, which helps you build a stronger connection that can help you feel more confident in your ability to help your therapist.

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5. There’s accountability in Online Therapy

Online therapy lets you have real accountability in your sessions. You can use online sessions to discuss things that aren’t quite going as well in your life as you’d like and to set goals for them.

This accountability can be particularly helpful if you’re experiencing a mental health issue. Many people may feel embarrassed to discuss the things going on in their heads and may avoid seeking help for fear of how others will respond.

Online therapy can help you feel more comfortable with reaching out for help.


Online therapy is a great option for many people. It’s accessible and affordable, and it lets you work when and on what you want to work. There are some great benefits to online therapy, and it can be a good fit for anyone who is looking for a way to get therapy.


Sierra Powell graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a major in Mass Communications and a minor in Writing. She’s passionate about writing, reading, and learning. When she’s not writing, she loves to cook, sew, and go hiking with her dogs. Mental health is important, and Sierra recommends for online psychiatry.

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