Mental & Emotional Health Womens Health

8 Helpful Mental Health Tips for Working Moms

Mental Health Tips for Working Moms
Written by Collins Nwokolo

Being a mom alone is very demanding, and this becomes critical when you are a working mom. It is not easy being a working mom in this 21st century.

You have to be there for the children, your husband, the home, and your workplace, and most times, you end up burning up yourself in an attempt to satisfy everyone.

A 2022 Harris Poll data commissioned by CVS Health stated that there have been more working mothers diagnosed with anxiety and/or depression (42%), which is greater than the general population (28%), fathers (35%), and their co-workers without kids (25%).

This shows how susceptible working moms are to developing mental abnormalities. As such, their mental health should be treated as a priority.

In this article we will discuss some challenges working moms face, and the most effective mental health tips for working moms.

Common Challenges Working Moms Face

Working mothers often face a number of challenges in balancing their roles as mothers and as employees. Some common challenges include:

Time management: Finding time for everything can be difficult, as working mothers may have to juggle the demands of their job with the needs of their children.

Guilt: Many working mothers feel guilty about not being able to devote as much time to their children as stay-at-home mothers.

Stereotypes: Working mothers may face stereotypes and prejudices from both their coworkers and society at large, which can be demoralizing and make it more difficult to succeed in their careers.

Work-life balance: It can be difficult for working mothers to find a good balance between their work and personal lives, as they may feel pulled in different directions.

Childcare: Finding reliable and affordable childcare can be a challenge for many working mothers.

Support: It can be difficult for working mothers to find support and understanding from their employers and colleagues, particularly if they are working in a male-dominated field.

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Finances: Working mothers may face financial challenges as they try to balance the costs of childcare and other expenses with the demands of their job.

Mental Health Tips for Working Moms

8 Mental Health Tips for Working Moms

As a working mom, it’s important to take care of your mental health in order to be able to effectively manage the demands of your job and your personal life. Here are some tips for maintaining good mental health as a working mother:

1. Practice self-care

It’s important to practice self-care by carving out time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul.

As a working mom, you should understand that you can satisfy everyone 100%. So avoid overstressing yourself. If your kids are still young, you can get a nanny to help out with some minor tasks while you are at work.

Also, you should try and sleep. Have the “me” moment where you get to be alone to rest, eat well, sleep well or do something in your life. Since you go to work doing the weekdays, you can create time during the weekend.

When you don’t rest or sleep; you increase your chance of developing depression, anxiety disorder, or any other mental health abnormality.

2. Avoid comparison with other moms

A survey was conducted on 500 Canadian women, and the result showed that 69% had insecurities that stemmed from social media apps.

As a working mom, one thing you should never do is compare yourself with other moms, either online or offline.

You should understand that you are unique, your experiences are unique to you, and nobody can do what you can do better than you.

Also, do understand that what most people post on social media handles are just illusions, so never take them to heart.

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3. Learn to say “no”

As a working mom, you should know that you are not a superhero or a wonder woman that doesn’t get tired.

Learn to say no. You mustn’t do everything yourself or please everyone. You are only killing yourself doing so.

Prioritize your tasks, make a to-do list and stick to it, delegate those that can be delegated and say so to those that are not in your prioritized list.

4. Learn to ask for help

Asking for help is one thing most working mom struggle with. Learn to ask for help when you need it. You can ask a family member to come over to take care of your children while you rest.

Also, you can get a babysitter to help you take care of the children. If you have a large family, you can get a caterer to aid you in the kitchen.

Also, learn to ask for advice from family or friends when you seem to be confused about a situation. You don’t always have to figure out everything all by yourself.

5. Avoid multitasking

study at the University of Sussex stated that constant multitasking could cause brain damage. Multitasking is never the show for strength and responsibility. As a working mom, learn to focus on one task at a time.

When you are at work, let your attention be at work. When you are at home with your kids, give them your undivided attention.

Don’t be at home cooking and at the same time answering official calls and helping the kids with their homework.

6. Invest in your relationship

Never neglect your home as a working mom. One of the major mistakes most working moms make is to neglect their families or put them under the care of home careers and focus solely on their jobs.

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Learn to create a balance between personal and professional life. Invest in your home, and create family time where you get to spend quality time and do things together.

Furthermore, lean on your friends and family for social support when you need it. It can be helpful to have a network of people you can turn to for help and encouragement.

This is because a home filled with love and joy keeps you emotionally balanced to tackle your tasks better at work.

7. Practice good stress management techniques

Managing stress is crucial for maintaining good mental health.

Good stress management techniques are important to the mental health of a working mother because stress can have negative effects on both physical and mental health.

These techniques can include activities like exercise, meditation, deep breathing, and setting boundaries to manage time and energy.

By taking steps to manage stress, a working mother can better cope with the demands of her job and personal life, and maintain a good mental health.

8. Seek professional help if needed

Lastly, another underrated but important mental health tip for working moms is to seek professional help when necessary.

If you’re struggling with mental health issues, don’t be afraid to seek help from a mental health professional. A therapist or counselor can provide valuable support and guidance.


As a working mom, your mental health is a priority; treat it as such. Practice the above eight tips listed above to maintain and improve your mental health. Also, do not get ashamed to seek expert help when you feel overwhelmed or when you need someone to talk to.  


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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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