Healthy Living & Wellness

5 Factors That Contribute to a Healthy Metabolism

Factors That Contribute to a Healthy Metabolism
Written by Guest Author

Your body’s metabolism impacts a number of health and wellness functions, making it important that you nourish this natural body function. The proper balance of factors will work together to encourage your metabolism to work as nature intended. Here are five proven ways that you can support a healthy metabolism.

1. What You Eat

Factors That Contribute to a Healthy Metabolism

There is no getting around the fact that what you eat has a significant effect on your metabolic rate. What you fuel your body with has a direct effect on how effectively you are able to burn calories. For example, it takes the body longer to break down complex carbs when compared to its simple carb counterparts. Not only will you feel full for a longer time after eating complex carbs, but your body will need to work harder to digest them, providing a metabolic boost along the way.

Proteins are another type of nutrient that necessitates that the body uses more energy to process. Because it requires more energy to break down the protein, you will burn more calories after eating a meal that is rich in protein. In addition, being diligent about drinking plenty of cold water can also increase your metabolism. This is because the body requires energy to heat the cold water.

2. Metabolic Syndrome

There are a number of health conditions that may impact your metabolism. One such condition is known as metabolic syndrome. This disease encompasses a number of different risk factors, such as type 2 diabetes or hypertension. Medical researchers have noticed that the incidence of this disease is rising alongside the increase in obesity on a global scale.

The good news is that you can choose to take a targeted supplement designed to reverse some of these impacts. For instance, a supplement containing an açaí seed extract can be instrumental in reducing unintentional weight gain. This can help to avoid the onset of metabolic syndrome while boosting your overall health in the process.

3. Getting Proper Sleep

You may notice that your body’s metabolism slows down considerably if you are not getting enough sleep. This is explained by the fact that sleep deprivation is correlated to a change in the metabolism of glucose as well as some important hormonal functions.

As a result, there is a decrease in the production of the appetite suppressant known as leptin and a corresponding increase in the hormone ghrelin, shown to increase the appetite. Chronic sleep deprivation has also been linked to a variety of health issues such as obesity and diabetes, additional factors that could negatively impact your metabolism. Therefore, it is imperative to get enough sleep so as to improve your body’s metabolism.

4. Get Moving

The most nutritious diet in the world is not the only factor that will influence a healthy metabolism. Research has continued to demonstrate that physical activity is a significant influence on your metabolic rate. How often, how long, and how hard you work out can all impact how quickly and efficiently your body metabolizes food.

It is clear that an intense sweat session will increase your metabolic rate during the actual workout. However, scientists have also found that your metabolism remains elevated after your exercise session. Even moderate aerobic activity can boost the number of mitochondria located in the body’s muscles, delivering an intense metabolic boost. If your goal is to boost your metabolic rate, you should focus on high-intensity cardio workouts that elevate your heart rate.

5. Vitamins and Minerals

Scientists have also zeroed in on specific vitamins and minerals that play a crucial role in determining your metabolism. Some of the best vitamins and minerals to focus on for proper metabolic function include vitamin D, iron, calcium, and magnesium. Being deficient in any of these key nutrients can lead to a slowdown in your metabolism.

If you suspect that your metabolism is slowing down for reasons that you cannot pinpoint, it is not a bad idea to talk to your healthcare provider about ordering blood work to check for any vitamin or mineral deficiencies. This could be a problem that a simple tweak to your diet or an additional supplement could help.

Unfortunately, there are some genetic factors that influence the metabolism that you simply cannot control. However, while genetics and age play a large role in your metabolic function, paying attention to these five lifestyle factors can go a long way in ensuring a healthy metabolism.


Stephanie Caroline Snyder graduated from The University of Florida in 2018; she majored in Communications with a minor in mass media. Currently, she is an Author and a Freelance Internet Writer, and a Blogger. To know more about metabolic syndrome, Stephanie suggests PowerSeedAcai.

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