Kids Health Parenting

Parenting Tips For Children Who Are Homeschooled

Parenting Tips for Children Who Are Homeschooled 
Written by Collins Nwokolo

Children are mostly home these days due to the current coronavirus pandemic. There’s no choice but to stay home because schools received closure orders. Children are vulnerable to the virus and should be home all the time. Since they have to keep learning, homeschooling is the solution. The school can still extend help, but the parents have the primary duty to teach. A research showed that there are about 2.2 million home-educated students in the United States.

Unfortunately, homeschooling sessions turn into a screaming match because parents don’t know what to do. If you want to prevent these problems, these are some parenting tips to remember.

Create a schedule with them

Let your children create the schedule with you. Come up with rules together. Your children should have ownership of these rules so they won’t complain. They also can’t accuse you of being controlling. Reprimanding them will be a lot easier when you allow them to create the rules with you.

Limit the use of electronic devices 

Electronic devices are integral to the learning process. However, it doesn’t mean you should use them at all times. You have to limit the use of these devices since they could be harmful to your children. Don’t forget to use EMF protection devices like the ones at Your children need them to have a shield from radiation. Since they have to spend more time doing things online, protecting them is crucial.

However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t use technology to help in homeschooling your kids. For example, there’s enormous benefits of telehealth for parents and their kids.

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Think of fun and practical activities

If you don’t want to spend hours in front of the computer, you can think of practical and fun activities. Children shouldn’t only learn what’s in books. They have to go beyond what they read and learn about practical things. The problem with schools these days is that there’s extensive focus on academics only. They should also learn chores such as cooking, gardening, repairing, and many others. Since they’re at home to study with you, it’s time to teach them what to do. Make the activities fun so they won’t get bored.

Always communicate with the teachers 

It’s not easy to be the teacher for your children, especially when you didn’t even bother to help them out before the pandemic. You relied mostly on teachers to educate your children. Now, you understand what teachers go through each day to take care of your children. The teachers will still be there to guide. Communicate with them and ask for help if you’re about to give up. The teachers will gladly help you and tell you the next steps. Talk about what your children are doing that annoys you, and how to deal with behavioural issues. You can also ask for fun learning strategies to keep your children up to speed.

It’s challenging to deal with the current learning setup, but we have to make the most of it. We can’t sit and allow the children to do whatever they want. They still need to continue learning. Otherwise they will have a hard time when schools reopen. Don’t take this opportunity for granted. When things get back to normal, you will miss spending time with your children. Following these parenting tips for children who are homeschooled, will help your child learn well from home, and make things easier for you.

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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