Have you ever wondered how it is to lose weight quickly and safely? Have you been frustrated by working hard to lose weight and yet it is not happening? Do you eat well and exercise thoroughly and wonder why you can’t lose weight? Are you giving up on weight losing because it seems like it is not working? Or do you have some extra pounds that you would be happier without? Well, HCG diet is the answer to your questions. HCG diet has helped millions in losing their weight and engaging in healthier lifestyles. Most doctors all over the world recommend the HCG diet. Why is this the case?.
First and foremost
is HCG diet safe? HCG diet is one of the safest methods to lose weight. Once you administer this diet correctly it will work wonders. Why do I say “correctly?” Yes it can be done wrongly whereby it can have some negative adverse effects. For the best results it should be under the instructions and supervision of a physician. If you have any swellings, experience shortness of breath and dizziness you need to consult a medical professional or a doctor before you can embark on this diet. HCG diet is safe for any gender, male or female it will work.
It is easy to go on the HCG drop diet on your own. The drops are normally taken orally three times a day. You don’t need to see a doctor to take them as compared to the injections whereby a shot should be taken by a medical professional. The HCG drop diet also doesn’t involve having to poke sharp things into your skin like syringes.

Once you on the HCG diet the drop weight loss is extremely quick. When paired with a low-calorie diet, HCG diet drops helps your body burn your fat stores instead of attacking your muscles to make up for the calories you are no longer eating. When your body is burning extra calories especially from fat you lose a lot of weight. Many of the HCG diet available; the shortest HCG diet protocol last only 15 days with a significant weight drop loss of between 10-20 lbs while the longest can last up to 90 days with a best weight drop loss of up to 90 lbs of body fat. The weight loss is extremely high and over a short period of time. This can only be achieved by the HCG drop diet. Before you choose any drops, it is highly advisable to go through reviews written by verified customers and experts.
HCG drop diet doesn’t affect your metabolism (Go through faq’s from ThriveMD). The diet calls for low intake of fat. 500 calories a day to be precise. The body tends to store fat on low intake of calories and fat. This is because the body requires energy which results from breaking fats and oils. When a very low calorie diet is used in conjunction with the HCG drops, the hormone triggers the body to use the stored fat and in the process eliminates the excess fat reserved. It then prevents the body from going into a starvation and holding fat as it resets your metabolism. This is very natural and will never affect your body’s metabolism.
There is
no exercise requirement while on the HCG diet. You need to go through
phases of HCG diet before you start exercise. The HCG diet does not require exercise in order to lose weight. While you are on the drop diet work outs are not mandatory. Well, you can do a little of walking, sit ups and push ups here and there. Light cardiovascular activity on alternate days or may be rebounding for 10-30 minutes can do the “
magic.” If you have to exercise then low key exercises are always recommended. In a recent interview with Gracy of
Besthcgdropswebsite.com, She said “
Heavy exercises are not healthy while on the diet. This is because exercises burns calories and given the fact that you are on low intake of calories this will cause you to hunger more and put your body in a state of starvation. This can have a negative impact to your muscles and stamina. So, if you must hit the gym then take it slow and with moderation.”
saves you money. First and foremost the HCG drop diet is easy to administer and cheaper as compared to the HCG injections diet. For the HCG injection diet you have to get a daily dose of HCG through a shot and normally this is a big turn off to most people. Secondly, while on the diet, the fat restriction is not only to the fat that you take by ingestion but also what you apply on the skin. A lot of make ups that we apply on the skin contain some fat. Shampoos, hair conditioners, body lotions, moisturizers, some liquid make-ups and skin creams all contain some fat. Applying these products to the skin while on the diet can result to some of the fat being absorbed through the skin. HCG is very sensitive to these oils and creams and can slow down your weight loss process. Mineral makeup or pressed powders are generally recommended. This restriction and may be the restriction on food intake can save you some coins while on the HCG diet.
The HCG drop diet encourages healthy lifestyle. If you have been looking to eat healthier then the HCG diet is the way to go. The 500 calorie diet comes along with a list of approved foods. This diet consist of lean proteins, vegetables and fruits with strictly no starch or sugars. By the end of this diet program you will have the knowledge necessary to eat a balanced diet and generally live a healthy lifestyle in order to maintain your weight loss.
After going through
list of reviews on top weight loss supplements, I came to know that HCG drop diet is associated greatly with drop weight loss which has a lot of
health advantages. This weight loss plays significant role in the body of an individual as far as his/her health is concerned. Weight loss has shown to reduce or even some times eliminate the effects of type 2 diabetes. This is because
weight loss and consequently the HCG diet stabilises blood sugar levels and lowers the risk of contracting type 2 diabetes and lowers the chances of getting a heart disease. For those who have difficulties in breathing weight loss reduces this and one is able to breathe well.
In conclusion the HCG diet accompanied with HCG drops plays a major role in the body. One is able to lose weight with no loss of muscle mass since HCG is involved in losing body fats. The HCG normalises the thyroid glands while on the other hand rebuilding the adrenaline glands. The HCG drop also has a role in balancing the hormones output in the body and normalises appetite demands of the body. For those who love to feel and look excellent HCG drop diet has helped them a big deal. HCG drop gets rid of pot belly in both men and female, reduces fat deposits on double chins and reduces hip and buttocks fat and generally replaces the “good cushioning fat-pad” throughout the body. This gives the individual the great desired look he/she wishes for.
Author’s Bio
Gracy is a dedicated and qualified nutritionist with over six years of experience in the Indian food industry.She has earned a MSc degree in Human Nutrition at Chinmaya degree College (BHEL) in Haridwar, Uttarakhand. You can
contact her any time you’d want if you’ve got any questions regarding her guest posts.