Healthy Living & Wellness

5 Best Supplements for Improved Well Being

Written by Guest Author

With stress levels rising every day and people becoming more focused on their health, the wellness market is growing at an immense speed. People are now constantly looking for supplements that will support their well-being, treat the body with nutrients, calm them down and support healthy sleep. And adding some high-quality supplements may become a great addition to the diet as they are focused on various purposes and improve the overall wellness routine.

Even though ideally, we should get all essential nutrients from the diet, the modern speed of life causes us to choose something more quick and efficient. Besides meeting nutritional goals, some supplements can also optimise your wellbeing.

However, what supplement to choose, what to focus on, and what they can offer to your health is still a question in 2022. So let’s find out the 5 best modern supplements that may help you lead a healthy, active lifestyle while supporting your nutritional needs.

1. CBD Supplements

CBD supplements are a buzzword today, and they have successfully established themselves in the market with a wide range of potential benefits for health and wellness.

CBD or cannabidiol is a chemical found among 100 other cannabinoids in industrial hemp. It is safe and non-intoxicating but can bring lots of benefits for improved wellness. Explore the world of cannabinoids further, and consider products like CBG for a holistic approach to your health and well-being

CBD works by indirectly interacting with various receptors in the complex endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a crucial role in keeping our body in check. Even though more scientific evidence is required to make any claims, anecdotal evidence suggests that CBD helps establish inner homeostasis, promotes relaxation, and treats your body with all valuable plant elements.

Being one of the most popular supplements in the 21st century, CBD supplements are available in various formats, including oral tinctures, disposable and reusable vape pens, delicious edibles, topicals in the form of creams or lotions, and more discreet options like Naturecan’s CBD capsules.

2. Multivitamins

High-quality multivitamins are one of the most vital supplements for optimal health. Scientists found out that most Americans can’t meet their nutritional needs through their diet alone. In addition, recent studies have shown that foods we have today contain fewer essential vitamins and minerals than foods people ate decades ago, which is probably the result of soil depletion.

One 2012 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that almost 90 million Americans are deficient in vitamin D and C, while 30 million are in vitamin B6. Therefore, it is a usual practice that people lack many nutrients at once and need multivitamin supplements to fulfil these nutritional goals.

3. Fish Oil

This is another highly popular option among people who are looking to improve their well-being. This is because fish oil supplements treat your body with essential omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for most bodily functions as they are used to regulate inflammation.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to our overall health for a wide range of reasons, and they can only be obtained through food and supplements. Since there are only a few foods high in these acids, most people prefer to get them from supplements. Proper omega-3 levels are vital for healthy cardiovascular, respiratory, strong immune, as well as musculoskeletal health.

They have also been shown to regulate blood pressure, support healthy body weight, and affect mood while also promoting both muscle and joint health. Healthy adults usually need 500-900mg of omega-3 fatty acids to stay healthy. It is also highly recommended to eat salmon, anchovies, sardines, and mackerel every week.

4. Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp seed oil is another excellent option to treat your body with essential nutrients. It is extracted from hemp seeds from the cannabis Sativa plant. This oil can be used as a healthier and nutrient-rich alternative to most oils available today. This is because it is rich in antioxidants, calcium, manganese, potassium, Vitamins A and E, zinc as well as Omegas 3 and 6.

People use hemp seed oil for a wide range of benefits, including healthier skin, nails, and hair. While more research is needed, scientists believe it also helps inflammation, cardiovascular health, pain relief, and reduces muscle tension.

Hemp seed oil is made by cold-pressing raw seeds of the industrial hemp plant, and it is different from CBD oil. It is made via a process similar to how olive oil is extracted from olives. Hemp seed oil is also vegetarian, vegan-friendly, THC-free, and allergen-free.

Unlike hemp oil or CBD oil, hemp seed oil usually does not contain any CBD. Since it has a delicious woody hempy taste and high levels of healthy fatty acids, it is widely used not only as a supplement but also for cooking.

5. Probiotics

Last but not least, probiotics are essential for maintaining gut health, which makes them an important part of our daily lives. They are also highly popular supplements for optimal health since we digest and absorb nutrients through the gut. Probiotics represent beneficial bacteria that help digestion function properly.

Our digestion also naturally contains bad bacteria and pathogens that can affect gut function and may even lead to illness and disease. This is why it is essential to maintain a healthy balance of “good” and the “bad” bacteria in digestion for overall health. Bacterial imbalances also affect how digestion absorbs nutrients. Scientists found out that probiotic supplements support healthy immune function, inflammation regulation, proper brain health, as well as help in weight management.

Bottom Line

Since modern life is all about speed, not everyone is able to eat enough nutrients and support overall health. However, people are now trying to improve their wellness in various ways, and supplements have become a must-have in today’s lives. 

At the same time, not all supplements are made equal, and the market is rich in lots of types, flavours, and sizes. We curated this small guide to help you learn more about supplements the market has to offer and what potential benefits they might bring to your wellness routine.

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