Drugs & Medication Health Tips

How Fish Oil Supplements Helps With Joint Pain

Fish Oil Supplements Help With Joint Pain
Written by Guest Author

If you are struggling with your joint, even the most basic activities like taking a brisk walk, running errands, or working out, can leave you with severe pain. While you can always count on prescription medication for the task, natural alternatives can be equally useful. This is especially true for arthritis and a range of other joint conditions that affect you severely and debilitate your otherwise usual lifestyle. So, what natural alternatives should you consider, and which are the ones that actually work? While there are plenty of options to explore, fish oil may your best bet!

Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, this oil comes with a range of benefits for several health conditions. Whether this is cholesterol or diabetes, this oil can solve it all! One of the best benefits of this oil lies in its anti-inflammatory elements, which again plays a major role in helping you control joint issues. So, in case you are wondering how to get started and how exactly does one use supplemental fish oil to help joint pain, here are some of the things you need to know. 


Why Is Fish Oil Recommended For Joint Pain?

Docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid are two vital fatty acids from the omega-three family. Primarily found in salmon, sardines, anchovies, and mackerels, these acids play a vital role in maintaining the regular and steady function of your brain. Besides, they ensure holistic growth, lead to significant development, and also help address inflammation.

Deficiency in these acids has caused a range of health issues like cardiovascular ailments, certain kinds of cancer, a disorder in mood, joint pain, et al. However, for best results one should always administer the correct dosage as recommended by the physician. That is because taking a high dose may lead to safety issues in some instances. 

But regardless of that, most studies conclude that supplemental fish oil goes a long way in boosting heart health, reducing the symptoms and condition of inflammation, boosting and enhancing your mood and overall mental health, and lengthening your overall life. There are some other reasons why fish oil is recommended for joint pain. Thanks to these studies and verified researches, Americans end up spending a billion dollars annually on fish oil supplements. This is also the reason why several food companies claim to add it to their milk, juice, frozen yogurt, breakfast cereals, biscuits, candies, and thousands of other food items. 

Decreasing Joint Pain

According to several medical professionals, a small dosage of fish oil supplements can end up reducing the extent of joint issue symptoms including (but not limited to) stiffness in the joint during mornings, swelling of the joint area, tenderness in your joint, and overall discomfort. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, these supplements also boost and maintain your body’s blood flow while working out. Over time, this reduces the sharpness of joint pain and the constant swelling. 

Reducing Inflammation

As previously explained, supplemental fish oil comes with omega-three fatty acids that are excellent for your joint. However, it also comes with EPA and DHA, both of which collectively reduce joint inflammation. What’s more, these acids further go the extra mile by limiting the total production of a range of negative proteins which in turn may inhibit a specific kind of arthritis. Studies have shown that fish oil can help with arthritis pain.

Maintaining Healthy Cellular Function

You probably know that fish oil comes with plenty of healthy fats and a range of natural chemicals. These fats improve your joint health through the restoration and supplementation of joint tissues. The organic chemicals coming with the fish oil lubricate your joints which further reduces the instances of joint rubbing, thereby minimizing the overall pain. 


How Should You Consume Fish Oil? 

If you’re finally convinced to add this oil to your diet, you might as well do it in a supplemental form. In the simplest terms, supplemental fish oil refers to certain pills that help you with joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation. 

But where do you find fish oil? Well, all you need to do is visit your grocery/drug store and choose the supplements created from actual fish. Most supplemental fish oils contain DHA and EPA. So, make sure the one you buy comes loaded with both these acids. Avoid brands that have pesticides, PCBs, or some trace amount of mercury in them. Also, ensure that the capsule you get is no more than three grams of the oil. 

In addition to purchasing fish oil from your local store, you can also consider organically produced fish for your meals. Ideally, cold-water fish is what you should aim for. Besides, also keep exploring the salt-water and wild variants. Top options would be anchovies, salmon, sardines, and the likes of them. 

If you are skeptical about consuming fish or adding supplemental fish oil to your diet, consider consulting your healthcare practitioner beforehand. Some categories of individuals like expecting ladies may have some health risks associated with specific kinds of fish. This holds true for swordfish, mackerel, tuna, and others. While some doctors still don’t limit tuna, several studies suggest that you shouldn’t have it more than eight ounces in a span of thirty days. 

If your joint pain is still not subsiding with fish consumption and prescription medication, consult your doctor before finally adding supplemental fish oil. If that doesn’t help either, it is indicative of a fairly serious situation. You may need to visit your nearest hospital to run a couple of tests in that instance. 

Fish Oil Supplements Help With Joint Pain

Bottom Line

Arthritis is one of the most painful conditions and it ends up limiting an individual’s mobility. While medical professionals can always monitor and assist you with a detailed treatment for managing the pain and reducing the many complication-specific risks, fish oil can also boost the process. 

As you probably know at this point, this oil plays a major role in treating RA by lowering the degree of joint inflammation. Besides, it helps ease the pain, keeping you active and healthy, all way round. Available in supplemental form, fish oil can be administered orally. However, for best results, always consult with your doctor before taking the medication to avoid any possibility of side effects. 


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