Healthy Living & Wellness

Top Reasons To Count On a Licensed Physical Therapist Over a Doctor

Pain that stems from injuries to muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, and nerves can restrict your ability to move freely, which can eventually have a significant impact on your personal life as well as on your career. It’s quite true that when you are unable to move freely due to pain and injuries, you can’t focus on your work, therefore it’s crucial to find a permanent solution for it.

Whether you struggle with low back pain, shoulder ache, a neck problem or knee injury you have to consult a reliable healthcare professional like STAR Physical Therapy, to return to your normal activities soon.

Generally, when you injure any part of your body, you rush to a doctor, who gives painkillers to reduce your pain and swelling. However, that doesn’t solve the core problem. Pointing out the exact location of the injury is extremely important to heal it appropriately. In addition to that, using right treatment methods is also very important for improving your overall wellness.

One of the best ways to reduce the pain that you get from injuries received while playing sports like football, soccer, and badminton, or due to falls and accidents is to take the support of physical therapy services. A physical therapy program that is tailored to suit your requirements, shows quick results.

Here’re the advantages of consulting a physical therapist.


Reasons To Count On a Licensed Physical Therapist Over a Doctor

It’s Perfect For People of All Ages

Whether you talk about kids, teenage children, adults or older people, physical therapy services are designed to suit anyone living with pain and discomfort. In other words, both a 10-year old child or a 70-year old man can be easily treated with physical therapy if they are struggling with injuries.

Reasons To Count On a Licensed Physical Therapist Over a Doctor

It’s Great For Alleviating Pain

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Nowadays, physical therapists are using tons of advanced and effective techniques for relieving pain. For example, they can add a number of effective exercises, use techniques like manual therapy, massage therapy, and aquatic therapy to curb the pain and to facilitate healing. In addition to that, they also use treatment methods to relieve pain and restore one’s ability to function.

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Treatment Plans Are Tailored To Suit Individual Needs 

Reasons To Count On a Licensed Physical Therapist Over a Doctor

Physical therapy treatment plans are always customized to fulfill the specific requirements of each patient. The treatment plans generally include strengthening and stretching exercises, low impact aerobic exercises, and exercises that help in reducing pain. They are designed by physical therapists based on the severity of one’s injury and illness.

For example, they will use different techniques to heal arthritis pain, when compared to the pain that stems from a sports injury. For arthritis pain, a therapist may use techniques like manual therapy which include soft tissue massage and joint mobilization, whereas for healing sports injuries they may use techniques like Kinesio taping, dry needling, cupping and laser therapy etc.

PT Makes It Easier For You To Avoid Surgery 

Reasons To Count On a Licensed Physical Therapist Over a Doctor

If you consult a physical therapist at the right time to heal your injuries, you can literally avoid costly surgeries. However, if you have received extremely serious injuries, which can’t be treated without a surgery, you can still use physical therapy services before your surgery and after it. Yes, both pre-surgical and post-surgical physical therapy services are extremely crucial for recovering from injuries and illnesses.

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You deal with a lot of strength and flexibility related issues after your surgery, so it’s better to rely on physical therapy to deal with them.

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It’s Great For Improving Posture

If you have poor posture, and you are struggling with a lot of health issues because of that, then physical therapy can prove to be really helpful for you. Many times you struggle with conditions like neck pain, shoulder pain, and headaches because of poor posture. And the worst part is that when you take unnecessary medicines to heal those problems, without knowing the root cause. However, if you consult a physical therapist they treat your condition only after knowing its primary cause. It means, if you are facing a problem because of poor posture, they will improve your posture in the first place.

It’s Perfect for Dealing With Age-Related Complications

Physical therapy is one of the best ways to treat problems like arthritis, joint replacements, or osteoporotic, all of which are found largely in older people. Yes, these are some of the problems that become more common with age and physical therapy is the most appropriate way to deal with them.

It’s Good for Heart Diseases

If you are someone who is struggling with a heart disease or a lung problem, then you must consult a licensed physical therapist as soon as possible. In case you experienced a heart attack recently, and feel that you are unable to live your life as you used to before, then it’s better to take PT services to improve your well-being.

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In short, if you want to address the primary cause of your pain, look no further than physical therapy

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate medical physiologist, health blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.

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