Mental & Emotional Health

Services Provided by Wellness Counselors

Services Provided by Wellness Counselors
Written by Guest Author

Are you wondering what kind of services do wellness counselors provide? Are you thinking of consulting a health educator but you aren’t sure if they provide the service you want to engage them for? There is no need to wonder or guess about these things anymore because, in this article, we will be discussing the services provided by these professionals.

Wellness counselors understand the differences between individuals which allows them to tailor their counseling to suit each person’s need. There are many techniques they employ when they assist you in tackling the problems you are facing. A visit to Tampa Counseling psycology will provide you with some insights into some techniques employed by health practitioners. 

The services provided by wellness counselors can be categorized into psychological and coaching services. Although we will list the issues under both categories, our focus will be on the psychological services they provide. 

Before we turn our attention to the psychological issues these professionals deal with, let us list some of the coaching services they provide. 

Coaching services include:

  • Leadership development 
  • Entrepreneur enneagrams
  • Motivation 
  • Executive coaching
  • Life coaching
  • Career counseling 
  • Biofeedback 

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, let us look at the psychological services these health professionals provide:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety 
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Self-esteem
  • Grief
  • Anger management 
  • Stress management 
  • Relationship problems 
  • Military/veterans
  • Teletherapy 
  • Psychological assessments 
  • Emotional support animals

Let’s discuss these issues one after the other.

Services Provided by Wellness Counselors


Contrary to popular belief depression is not a result of life being tough or difficult. Rather, depression develops because an individual’s ability to cope with life’s difficulties has been compromised which leads such an individual to develop a feeling that they can no longer deal with such issues. Once the feeling is prolonged, exhaustion and feelings of being overwhelmed become the recurrent emotion we feel every time. 

Depression no doubt can affect our lives in every way to the point whereby we can no longer cope with even the simplest of life’s challenges. Performance at work or school can become greatly affected and even our relationships can be hit badly. 


  • Constant feeling of sadness
  • Reduced motivation 
  • Decreased interest in activities that used to be enjoyable 
  • Feeling of hopelessness and/or worthlessness 
  • Concentration difficulty
  • Inability to make decisions
  • Constant feeling of tiredness

When you involve a health educator, they will help you in identifying these challenges because one of the reasons people cannot overcome depression is because they refuse to acknowledge it for what it is. During the counseling sessions, you will be assisted to discover personal insights thereby providing you with means of dealing with the challenges of life. 


Anxiety is more common than we fail to admit and is affecting a lot of adults. Feelings of nervousness happen frequently for a lot of folks. Nevertheless, being anxious in itself is not necessarily a bad thing. However, when the feeling is very frequent and begins to affect our lives, such can cause us to lose the ability to deal with life’s challenges. 

This mental issue can easily disrupt our ability to act and perform even simple tasks. Hence, it isn’t uncommon for a person suffering from anxiety to find it difficult to make new friends, go on dates, interact with other colleagues, etc.


  • Irritability and restlessness 
  • Always being worried
  • Jumpy or tense feeling 
  • Feeling of dread or apprehension 
  • Always expecting the worst

When a wellness counselor is consulted, they can assist in identifying the root cause of the issue and then help you live a life that is free of anxiety. 

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating and serious mental condition that occurs to individuals who have experienced a negative event or incident that has caused traumatic imprints in their minds. Click here to learn more about PTSD. Examples of such events could be a serious accident, violent assault e.g. rape, sudden death of a family member or friend, war, etc.


  • Irritability, agitation, and/or hostility 
  • Self-destructive tendencies and behavior
  • Hyper-vigilance
  • Feeling of pleasure becomes impossible 
  • Social isolation and/or loneliness
  • Guilt 
  • Fear and/or mistrust 
  • Painful flashbacks 
  • Sleep issues such as nightmares and/or insomnia 
  • Severe anxiety
  • Unwanted thoughts 
  • Emotional detachment 

Folks who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder find it difficult to let go of the past. They also prefer to keep their feelings and emotions to themselves. However, that is not the best as it could worsen the situation. Instead of doing that, speaking with a counselor can help you overcome this problem and give your life meaning once again. 


Interestingly, we are always our own worst critics. However, some take this to the extreme more than others. Hence, they are always criticizing, judging, and doubting themselves. This is a clear indication of low self-esteem. 

What is self-esteem? 

Self-esteem can be said to be how much confidence we repose in ourselves. It indicates how much we value, and respect we accord ourselves. Individuals that have low self-esteem think little of themselves which makes them feel inferior compared to others. 

As a result, they are always comparing themselves to others, and in most cases, despite the achievements of such individuals; they continue to look down on themselves. They might even think they don’t deserve the achievements they have made.


  • Dissatisfaction or unhappiness with every action performed 
  • Setting overwhelmingly high standards and expectations for yourself
  • Feeling not attractive enough 
  • Always upset by disapprovals or criticism from others
  • Avoiding any form of activity where there is a likelihood of failure

Low self-esteem is a thief of joy. However, with more positive thinking, your self-esteem can be developed to the point where you begin to appreciate yourself. This is what a counselor sill focus on to help you break the negative thoughts you might have established about yourself. 


In our lifetime, we are bound to lose a loved one. While grief is a normal and natural emotion, how we handle it is very important to ensure that our mental wellness is not in any way affected. 

Grief counseling is targeted at individuals who have lost a loved one but find it difficult to overcome their grief. Such patients could be suffering from guilt or extreme sadness. The sessions will focus on helping you to develop and discover coping mechanisms you can utilize that will help you move on with your life. 

Although the duration of this therapy varies from person to person, still it is not a therapy that should last long-term. When you go for grief counseling, here are a few things you should expect:

  • You will have to learn to give expression to your feelings irrespective of what they are
  • Your relationship with the departed will be viewed from a different perspective 
  • Discovering a new purpose 
  • Understanding how the loss has affected your identity 

Irrespective of the person grieving, the relationship with the departed, etc. this therapy is for anyone dealing with a loss. You will be assisted in learning the process of grief and what is expected as you deal with the loss. 

Anger Management

Inability to manage our anger can destroy a lot of things in our lives. Work, family, relationships, physical property, and general wellbeing are just some areas of a person’s life that can be affected if Mr. Hyde inside Dr. Jekyll is not tamed. 

Signs that you need to go for anger management counseling include:

  • Feeling of having to repress your anger constantly 
  • Road rage or reckless driving
  • Constant argument 
  • Physical violence such as loud shouting, hitting, slamming doors, etc.
  • Violent threats

People misunderstand anger management to mean having to repress your anger. However, this is not the case. Instead, this counseling guides you on how to constructively express your anger healthily whereas still exhibiting control. Having a counselor guide you through this reformation process while help in restoring your life and mending relationships that your unbridled anger might have damaged. 

Stress Management 

Stress is almost inevitable but it is something we must constantly deal with. Excess stress can affect our emotional and physical health. While there are positive coping mechanisms for dealing with stress, there are also negative ones such as excess drinking, smoking cigarettes, substance use, emotional eating, etc.

With the right counseling, you will be able to discard negative coping mechanisms and embrace positive ones to help you overcome stress. Visit to learn about some ways you can positively cope with life’s stressors.


In the article above, we have discussed the services provided by wellness counselors. If you have any questions, feel free to let us know.

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