
7 Team Building Exercises To Do This Spring

Team Building Exercises To Do This Spring
Written by Guest Author

With spring finally in full swing, it is time to start picking outdoor work-social activities. I’m sure we have all rinsed every indoor activity idea by this time of the year with our teams.

While winter has its magical moments, like Christmas, New Year’s and more, it’s often challenging for many people’s overall health. With the warmer weather, your employees may start to perk up again; however, it doesn’t hurt to intentionally work on helping them shake off that cold-season slump!

This list will take you through some of the best social activities that will make the most of the sunny weather.

1. Spring Scavenger Hunt

This is not just an enjoyable activity but also a great way to work together as a team; loosely based on the TV show The Amazing Race, teams will choose their route through the race, completing challenges as they go.

Having the correct footwear is so important when doing a scavenger hunt, this Nike discount code will ensure you do have the appropriate footwear for this activity. This activity will promote team-building, communication, and problem-solving skills.

It also allows team members to move around and explore a new location, which is perfect for Spring. Consider choosing an excellent location like a local park to enhance the experience. 

2. Sports Day

Like the Spring scavenger hunt, a sports day promotes teamwork and communication mixed with a competitive nature (which can always be healthy!).

One of the best reasons a sports day would be perfect for everyone is due to the pure nostalgia of the day, with everyone taking part in a sports day at least once, no matter where they grew up.

Whether the egg and spoons race, the sack race or the three-legged race, all promote a healthy competitive nature between friends.

3. Rounders/Baseball

No matter where you’re from, everyone knows this game, whether you call it Baseball or rounders (it’s the same game) another great way to improve your leadership skills and teamwork.

The game involves one team being fielders and the other batting, the object of the game is to either catch the ball of the batting team or try to get them out before they make the whole way round (hence the name rounders).

And then once every batter has had a go, the teams switch, this happens twice, and the team with the most rounds wins the match, it can get competitive which is perfect for a team that is looking to shake off that cold-season slump.

4. Picnic in the Park

If you wanted more of a chilled-out social with your team, a picnic in the park could be a perfect choice for you, as you will be able to socialise with the rest of the team and get to know people you wouldn’t normally socially interact with inside the office day to day.

While having your picnic in the park, you could play some games, such as board games, to pass the time.

5. Cinco De Mayo Party

With Cinco De Mayo taking place in May, a spring work social is the perfect time to celebrate this. The yearly celebration of Mexico’s victory over the second French empire at the Battle of Puebla in 1862 is usually a colourful affair, which will bring a great vibe to the team, perfect for an activity in the warm-up to Summer.

6. Team Building Retreat

There’s nothing like a well-planned retreat to help your team slow down and spend some quality time together away from the hectic life in the office. Team-building retreats can boost your team’s morale by providing a break from the usual monotony of work.

While you’re there, you can either have a chilled-out break with your coworkers, or you may even want to let loose a bit and let your hair down with a few drinks with your team members, where you can have a few gratifying moments to remember.

7. Earth Day: Tree Planting

With the danger of global warming becoming more prominent day to day, taking a break from everyday office life and helping the environment is not just an enjoyable activity. Still, you will also feel immense satisfaction that you would have allowed the Earth that little bit. 



To sum up, there are many team-building activities to enjoy during spring that will bring you outside to enjoy the nice weather. From a baseball game to a nice picnic, you are sure to find an activity that will fit your team’s likings and preferences.

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