Mental & Emotional Health

How To Prepare For Psychologist Mental Health Assessments & Counseling

How To Prepare For Psychologist Mental Health Assessments & Counseling
Written by Guest Author

Talking to a psychologist for the first time can elicit a sense of apprehension in most people. Mental health professionals anticipate that response and appreciate the strength and courage it takes to take that step despite the hesitancy.

It demonstrates the desire to move forward toward wellness and self-care. Go here for details on what to expect from a first psychologist appointment.

Studies indicate that a vast number of people in this country endure some aspect of mental unwellness, with many suffering a severe mental health condition that medication has the potential to assist. 

These include “schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and clinical depression,” often assisted through a combination of therapy and individualized medication management. 

The first step is preparing for the initial consultation and assessment with a professional such as you’ll find at Valley Psychological Services, one of the reputed facility in the mental health industry. 

What are some tips on how to speak with a psychologist for the first time? Allowing your emotions and letting the professional know what you’re feeling is essential. 

This helps the expert get to know you and your mental health. Let’s consider a few tips to help you prepare for the experience.

How To Prepare For Psychologist Mental Health Assessments & Counseling

How To Prepare For Psychologist Mental Health Assessments & Counseling

Attending a mental wellness consultation and assessment for the first time can be daunting. You don’t know what to expect. The same then rings true when it comes time to go into your initial counseling session. 

Go to for details on psychology assessment tools professionals incorporate into treatment.

You almost feel like you’re under a microscope or on stage in the spotlight, forgetting what you were supposed to say. But the awesome thing is you showed up, you didn’t cancel, and you can tell the person you see that you feel scared and unsure. It’s up to them to help you not think that way.

How can you cope with these “firsts?” Consider these suggestions to relieve some of your apprehension.


  • Before the appointment, what do you do about the jitters

Anxiety can strike at the worst time, but it’s at its worst right before doing something new, especially if you need to share personal details that might be difficult for you. You might be exceptionally hesitant, don’t let this cause you to avoid the appointment. 

Making the appointment was a huge step towards wellness and self-care, recognizing that you need help coping with the problems plaguing you. That doesn’t make you a weak person. It takes more strength to ask for help than to suffer in silence. Click for details on what to anticipate with an evaluation.


  • How can you prepare for the session

Understanding why it’s time for mental health support with specific details is essential to prepare for the psychologist session. You want to develop a clear objective of what you hope to achieve along the path to wellness. 

Write notes that you can take to the session to help explain what you feel. Are you experiencing uncontrolled rage? Maybe you feel lonely even in the company of all your friends. 

Do you ruminate over an event that happened in the past, or has it gotten to a point where you feel you “hate” yourself? These are mere examples of a multitude of reasons to seek guidance from a professional psychologist; there’s no right or wrong when reaching out for help. 

The more details you share, the more tools are available for an accurate diagnosis and the most successful care plan. You should expect the following:

  1. Attend the session expecting the psychologist to be pressing with questions.
  2. The psychologist is not someone to fear. The aim is to find the most suitable solution. The professional is not judging or critiquing your circumstances.
  3. You will become emotional. That can mean becoming angry, crying, or having any number of feelings because you’re sharing your innermost thoughts.
  4. In the same way, you think about the things that bother you; this is the same way to communicate with the psychologist, as clearly and concisely as possible.
  5. Initially, speaking to a stranger about intimate issues will feel awkward. That will ease with each appointment.

The psychologist also considers physical well-being to see how that impacts your mental wellness. 

When attending your first appointment, you must have your family history of physical and mental health plus medications you currently take and be prepared to provide general health details. Often a blood test is taken as a rule-out for issues that could impact your mental wellness.


  • Have faith in the process

The psychologist will become a confidant you grow to trust as you progress in their care. Opening up without hesitation with your innermost feelings, secrets, and emotions should be possible without any hesitation. 

When you find the person you feel comfortable and safe with, you’ll recognize that progress gradually occurs if you allow yourself to have faith in the process and explicitly in your psychologist, plus have the utmost patience with yourself.

The path to wellness is difficult. The dedication and effort are exceptional but will pay off. You’ve taken the first step; that’s massive. Now take the steps, one at a time to reach those objectives you set for yourself. You can do it, just not alone.

Final Thoughts

Asking for help when you’re struggling with mental unwellness is difficult. When you finally take that giant step, the process might not be as fast and easy as you hope. It takes considerable time and effort, making it necessary to be patient with yourself and understand the professionals and the methodologies. 

Treatment is not always cut and dry. Sometimes medications need adjusting; you might need a combination of counseling and medication. However, once you feel that “click” like a switch has turned things more positive, it’s worth the dedication you’ve invested.

No one should suffer in silence. The fear of the unknown keeps many people suffering from mental unwellness from seeking help. The first step can be just an online email or completing a form to reach out, just putting the door ajar. The psychologist will then invite you in.

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