Weight Loss

How Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight

How Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight
Written by Guest Author

Practicing yoga could help you build strength, but you need to combine it with other forms of exercise to achieve the best results. Some of the benefits of yoga include supporting spiritual, mental, and physical development, which allows you to become better. It’s an effective tool when you need to lose weight, especially its active forms.

To get started, you need a few items, including a yoga mat. If you don’t have enough cash for these items, you can get installment loans online with no credit check to prepare for your daily exercises. Yoga works in several ways to help you achieve a healthy weight. These are some guidelines for practicing yoga you can incorporate into your life to improve your physical wellbeing.

1. Yoga Gives You Better Sleep

If you’re asking about the health benefits of practicing yoga, one of them is that it helps you get better sleep. When you practice yoga, you’ll learn that you can fall asleep easily and sleep deeply. You’re required to get from six to nine hours of sleep, so with yoga, you’ll ensure you get enough sleep each night. Quality is an important factor when reviewing sleep. There’s a strong relationship between sleeping and weight loss.

According to a 2018 study, it was shown that people who did not get enough sleep five times a week lost less fat compared to those who followed the recommended sleeping pattern. Both groups limited their calorie intake, but only the group that rested enough drew the optimal benefits. This suggests that losing sleep affects your body working, including the ability to lose fat.

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Practicing Nidra, which involves guided relaxation that you perform lying down, you can get better sleep and increase mindfulness. In 2018, a small study involving healthcare workers showed those who embraced yoga Nidra for up to eight weeks boosted their levels of mindfulness.

2. Yoga Can Help You Burn Calories  

Another reason you should practice yoga for beginners is that it could help you burn calories. While it’s not considered an aerobic exercise, there are types of yoga that involve more physical activity than others. Intense types help you burn a significant amount of calories, which could help you lose weight or prevent weight gain. For example, Vinyasa and power yoga keep you constantly moving, helping you burn calories.

Also, yoga for weight loss could help you improve metabolism and develop muscle tone. With better metabolism, you can achieve efficiency in the way your body burns calories. While restorative type is not considered a physical exercise, you could still use it in your weight loss journey. A study reviewing restorative yoga showed that overweight women could use it to lose weight. It helped them trim abdominal fat faster.

Another study from 2013 showed that yoga could help with behavioral change and reduce stress. All these are factors that can help you control the intake of food and be aware of the effects of eating unhealthy products.

3. Yoga for Mindfulness

There are spiritual and mental aspects of practicing yoga, which focus on developing mindfulness and enhancing your awareness. This makes you more conscious of the way some foods can affect your body, mind, and spirit. A 2016 study concluded that yoga interventions enhance obesity-related parameters like body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and body fat.

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The findings show that yoga helps you achieve diverse behavioral, psychological, and physical effects that improve your approach to managing weight. Social support and role modeling you get from the yoga community may be responsible for weight loss, especially for people who are struggling to lose weight. The participants in the study reported reduced appetite, less stress eating, and fewer cravings. They also had a shift toward more mindful eating.

Through yoga, they got healthy role models and social support, which contributed to psychological and physical changes aligning with their weight loss goals. The results are increased muscle tone, reduced stress, improved metabolism, and better awareness and mood.

Types of Yoga for Weight Loss

If you’re searching for how to start practicing yoga to lose weight, we recommend starting with beginner-level classes. Athletic Vinyasa will help you burn the most calories as this type involves fast-paced poses followed by standing poses that keep you moving.  When you get warmed up, you could switch to stretches and backbends. One of the tips for practicing yoga through Vinyasa is trying the different styles, such as:

  •       Power yoga – This is extremely popular at health clubs and gyms. You can also find it in dedicated studios. The style focuses on building the intensity and heat of Ashtanga through a series of poses. You will burn calories practicing power yoga consistently. 
  •       Hot yoga – You can also do Vinyasa yoga in a hot room. This ups the ante and guarantees that you will sweat. Hot yoga provides a vigorous workout and follows a sequence of poses. It’s fast-paced, which makes it great for burning calories.
  •       Ashtanga – This is a vigorous style of yoga recommended by dedicated yogins. If you’re a beginner, you should sign up for classes to help you get the motivation needed. Because it follows a certain sequence of poses, you can learn them and practice this style at home. It can help you with your weight loss journey if you remain consistent and disciplined.
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If you cannot attend a class, you could do most poses at home to lose weight. There are many online videos and websites that provide subscription-based and free content you can use for your yoga practices. To maximize benefits, start with simple poses and increase the complexity gradually as you become more confident.

How does yoga help you lose weight? Please share with us in the comments section.


Daniel Miller is an experienced specialist in the business and financial area. Daniel has also worked as a financial advisor at Loan Solution and provided consulting and advice about budgets, savings, insurance, stocks, retirement funds, tax advice, etc. He is currently doing specific research on the topic. 

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